
On the whole I enjoyed Luke Cage, but as others have said, 13 episodes was too long. The show was going great guns up until the end of episode 7 when they killed off Cottonmouth. Diamondback NEVER worked for me as a villain and he seemed far to comic book unreal in what was otherwise a very 'real' show that seemed

As a Brit, I've heard worse! She's doing a bit of a luvvie accent so slightly over the top works

Audrey: "I'm not American, I'm not used to carnage" 😀😀😀

Dermot Mulroney? Zzzzzzzzzzzz… One of the dullest actors still getting lots of work. Does he have dirt in some showbiz bigwig?

13. The Waldo Moment
12. 15 Million Merits
11. Playtest
10. The National Anthem
9. White Christmas
8. Men Against Fire
7. Nosedive
6. White Bear
5. Shut Up and Dance
4. Hated in the Nation
3. The Entire History of You
2. San Junipero
1. Be Right Back

This one - Hated in the Nation - is a pretty easy watch, although at 90mins it isn't typical. I'd maybe go for Be Right Back or San Junipero that show Black Mirror can have a heart.

Just a consistent delight, this show. It really should be getting repetitive by now with Xo and Alba at loggerheads, Jane STILL a virgin, Rafael and Jane struggling with parenthood, yet it is still fresh and funny. It is also a show where the emotions and feeling seem real and believable. I'm glad Raf is moving on and

Whatever accent he was TRYING to do was painful. Peaky Blinders Brummie?

A fantastic hour of TV and one I've watched twice in the last 2 days. It is actually a lot of fun looking for clues the second time around! As a child of the 80s I loved the music and the godawful clothes. I miss those arcade games..
Great performances, touching script and amazing attention to detail. Along with Be

Aladdin's accent was unbearable! I think he was supposed to be British but the guy seemed to be trying to do Captain Jack Sparrow and ended up more like Dick Van Dyke!

Agreed. He didn't work for me at all unlike the excellent Cottonmouth. Cartoonish.

Sadly true, although not TOTALLY downhill, but certainly but in retrospect, this was the high point of the series. Alfre Woodard's rage in that end scene and the way she kills Cottonmouth were genuinely surprising and shocking.

I think I the only person who actually liked American Gothic! The idea of incorporating a work of art into each episode was an interesting one. Virginia Madsen chewing the scenery and Juliet Rylance being a kickass lesbian politician. OK so quite a few of the characters were annoying and yet another serial killer

I remember watching Ghostwatch and it was actually pretty innovative TV for 1992. The presenters played it straight and there were quite a few pretty scary moments, however I didn't think for a second it was real - because hey, GHOSTS AREN'T REAL! Still, it was done in a convincing way

I am a little worried about Calista Flockhart leaving the show. I love the way they have developed the relationship between Cat and Kara, and Flockhart brings so much fun and vitality to the show. The scenes with her and Kara were so good in this episode. TBH Kara's relationships with the women in her life are all

I'd heard good things about Insecure and 2 episodes in I am really enjoying it. As a middle aged white British female, I have to say it took me a while to get my ear in - a bit like if you go to see a Shakespeare play and for the first 10mins or so its hard to follow what people are saying. Not that Insecure is

As a teacher, I hate these sort of school scenes. For a start, Snow used to teach the little kids how to make bird boxes and now she suddenly is a physics teacher? Generally speaking, you TEACH a lesson before giving an assignment on it Snow! Grr..

I was never a fan of Kara/James as a couple but the change of heart WAS pretty abrupt. That was about the only odd note in a very enjoyable premiere, that and the knowledge we won't be getting our weekly dose of Cat Grant :( She adds a really nice dynamic to the show in a unique relationship with Kara that is

Couldn't take Kathy Bates' accent seriously. The season started out promising some narrative consistency but it's been back to the usual imaginative but incoherent mess lately

The family drama of deadbeat annoying sons irritates me. Does it say something about attitudes to males and females that the sons abandon the family, the step dad puts the family in danger with his vengeance while mother and daughter do their best to form a working society, but are pulled back into jeopardy by their