
I was sorry they killed off Cottonmouth too, that actor is great (although I. Ant spell his name!) however a pretty brilliant death scene.

Agreed about the great focus on the ladies this episode. I was wondering whether Luke Cage would be very male centric. Daredevil was really all about the boys, Matt, Fisk - Karen wasn't brilliantly developed. Jessica Jones was mostly about the girls - Jessica, Trish, Geri and a villain who is a woman's worst

Part of the enjoyment of Transparent is how awful pretty much all the Pfeffermans are. Trace Lysette did a great job in this episode and it really is a toss up if he is the worst of the kids! Very glad she told him where to go.

Didn't like this episode as much as some this season. The show often walks the line between gripping and intriguing drama and a pretentious naval gaze and I didn't get involved in the bizarre Whiterose/Angela interrogation and Dom talking to her Siri stand in. The show is always ambitious but I didn't think the

I was watching this while on my iPad and glancing up and down and got very confused when Sarah Paulson kept turning into Lily Rabe! Never noticed they were especially alike before.

I love the way the action scenes have been shot this season. The attack on the China office and the final shoot out in this episode. Really unusual and gripping. Esmail's visual style can be distracting at times (that opening with the unusual framing was more annoying IMO) but the shoot outs have been dazzling.

She was fantastic as Lexa on The 100, so compelling and cool. I was glad to see they are FINALLY giving her more to do a on this show as she has done very little for a season and a half but be faintly whiny. Brenda Stong had a particularly memorable dispatching at Lexa's hands on The 100 so guess she is back here for

I love Sarah Paulson and would like to see her do well in movies too. This Oceans cast looks great but let's be honest, the original remake (with Pitt, Clooney etc) was NOT a great movie, it was a piece of fluff.

Great British Baking Show finale was epic and emotional! Tears of joy and inspiration.
And the Olympics!

Hey AV Clubbers, can't see anywhere else to discuss the Great British Bake Off finale but here - did you shed tears??? I think this was the most emotional and heartwarming moment of TV I've seen in ages! Just wonderful..

Some shows have a great concept and work well for a season but how do you not just repeat? Yes The Flash S2 was lesser, Sleepy Hollow - great first season then fell off a cliff big time. Glee was groundbreaking then repeated to lesser effect,
Having said all that, I still enjoyed this season of UnReal but largely

I definitely root for Quinn and Rachel! Yes, they do plenty of horrible things in the pursuit of ratings but I see them both as flawed but fascinating characters. Go Quinn! Go Rachel!

None of the characters drew me in like Molly and Gus, and Martin Freeman and Billy Bob Thornton were such fun as Coen-y baddies. I didn't feel invested in this characters this season as much despite some good performances.

I noticed that. Deliberate lack of a gender pronoun?

My two cats had lots of attention and fuss from me as kittens, but if they don't want to be fussed or petted, that's it! Their primary concern is still FEED US although they do like to be around me.
Funniest moment was when I was away for 4 days and someone just popped in to feed them. When I got back, the pair of

If Kate McKinnon wasn't talented, funny and hot, would people find her cat devotion adorable or just sad??
Cats don't show you devotion like a dog but they are also much less demanding. Their snooty coolness and don't give a shit attitude are appealing, plus kittens are adorable even among other adorable animal

Great episode! UnReal is so much better when Quinn and Rachel are on the same side. All Coleman's arguments about how Quinn does not really care for Rachel were (slightly too neatly) dealt with when Quinn tells Rachel to get out and be happy and that she loves her. That was the moment the Quinn/Rachel partnership that

I loved season 1 and rewatched recently - actually very rewarding when you KNOW the twists. However, this season hasn't grabbed me yet. Elliot's issues have gone nowhere for 3 episodes, the aftermath of the attack is only being touched on. Didn't like that poor whatshisname from All Safe got shot so brutally

No spoilers, but I can't wait for US viewers to see the final. It was the most emotional and uplifting to moment of the year for me! Tears all round. Bake Off is a national treasure here and I'm glad the US is enjoying it

In the uk, a duffer is a dud, a useless item, a failure