
Unfortunate that there were issues. I had a blast with it though. If they make movement in the hub city faster (and possibly allow for third person view there as well), I might jump ship from Destiny.

Pepperidge Farm rememberers. 

LOL damn.  Did BioWare beat you up in an alley at some point? You are relentlessly negative about this game.

Why did you waste a bunch of time yesterday with slow internet, to confirm something that you could have just googled in 10 seconds? This truly baffles me. You have an account on Kotaku, so already you aren’t just a (I hate to use the word) “casual” gamer. You keep up with what’s going on, so you must be fairly savvy

I mean, it’s a pretty well-known fact that not only are these looter-shooter type games pretty grindy, but their main player bases LIKE them to be grindy.

bahha,, welcome to canada induced america care of trump and his climate hating republican friends!

Thus totally invalidating all of climate science. Except, of course, climate “science”, which is further validated.

Star for Clackers!   9-year-old me was pretty sure he could bring down an ostrich with them.   Luckily our neighborhood was already ostrich-free.

Oh, cut the shit. How often is a best picture nominee not nominated in any acting, direction or writing awards? This is a nomination driven to pull in ratings and keep hashtag campaigns at bay. Acting and direction are the categories where BP should’ve been acknowledged, but there hasn’t been any super hero film ever

It’s only “unique” in that it stars a black guy and actually made a lot of money.

What if I believe the victims think what they say is true but isn’t the whole truth? In other words, I don’t think they are lying but maybe their perspective is based on limited knowledge? It’s a tough line to balance on. I’m inclined to believe accusers rather than give accusees the benefit of the doubt because

Also the smell. Giles from Buffy does a good job explaining why screens are bad and books are good in an early episode, I cant remember it right now  but its right on. 

I’m assuming the cliche of “Destiny Online” and possibly a subscription model wayyyyy down the road.

I had a body builder friend explain the fat burning zone to me like this:

This pretty much sums it up.

Games are a business, just like every other commercial product out there. In the end, the bottom line is profit (and pleasing the shareholders); if a company can make a product for less money while bringing more in, the profit margin increases, shareholders are happier, and the business

I think 30 Rock did an episode about how something awful can make you tons of money if you get enough investors involved in its making. Maybe just making a crap game is profitable for Fox?

i think it takes two hunters to agree to the dare. I mean any dare requires at LEAST two people to agree to it.

Hahaha! Ha! Sorry, sorry! I’m just… I’m imagining how awkward you must look right now. Ha. Ahem. Ahem! OK. Zavala. So. I’m dead. You killed me. My stuff is yours. No more working me over at chess. No more getting worked over at poker. For real though, you know that if you needed to kill me for “the good of the