
You totally forgot about the Final Fantasy VII remake. Nomura is personally responsible for some of the most legendary vapor ware in history haha. 

Oh god, can you imagine if Obama even made a typo before his morning coffee? It would be absolute proof that he’s a Muslim born in Kenya and also that all black people are less intelligent and also probably he’s an illuminati lizard person.

To reframe it slightly - if someone took a comic book character and made a cosplay of it, would the creator even care? Probably not. But if a major Hollywood studio took that same character and put him in a $200m movie, would the author care then? Gee I guess the author must be some money grubbing scumbag who only

Iv been switching between all 3 classes for healing and WHM is deff the most stressful. Its at the point where I dont like to use it (i prefer AST most of the time due to the buffs).

You know who didn’t see this coming? Matt Murdock.

I’ll see myself out.


The endless push for more minority representation is exhausting; there is simply no need for it.

More like, we live in a society where the Paul brothers are millionaires but our public schools struggle to keep the lights on.

Dude. The rich white dude who plays video games for a living is “under more pressure than many?” Because he continues to do the thing that made him rich and subsequently eats shit for it online sometimes because he’s an unrepentant asshole? Really???? They don’t make violins small enough for that, my dude.

I wish there was a salary cap for entertainers. Someone like Ninja doesn’t need millions of dollars. All this money, all this flexing, being placed on a pedestal. It just breeds toxic assholes. Just look at all the top streamers on YouTube and Twitch. These group of people are the most toxic bunch of asshats and they

I’ve been playing a fair amount of D&D, and if there is one certainty in the game, it’s that anything that sounds really cool includes some kind of nerf so it’s not really.

My point, which I guess is incredibly difficult to understand, is that there will always be groups that are excluded. If there isn’t a gay person, people freak out, if there isn’t a black person, people freak out, tall, short, fat, skinny, disabled, trans, etc etc. Everything in society is an insult these days it

That’s a really good tip!  That’d probably freak me too.

Perhaps because the $60 game was a standalone game.

New content costs money to make SMH

As a Native American, get off your high horse. History has two sides, and stories can be told from either perspective and not be incorrect or wrong. Nintendo isn’t changing anything by censoring history, both in the historical game context or longer context of Native American history and *you* certainly aren’t doing

The real article is always in the comments

Gosh! How do you get to sleep when you think so deeply allllllll the time?

Also, she could’ve easily gained that hour back by simply not blogging about potentially losing it.

You are correct. It sounds like he wants to complain about DLC, which this is not. Yes, it’s designed to keep people coming back. Those monsters! I like my games to shut me out entirely after release week.