puts on call of duty. shoots. gets shot. gets bored and turn off the game.
puts on call of duty. shoots. gets shot. gets bored and turn off the game.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that you think an argument about whether there should be women character models in certain games is a fight of “good vs evil”.
Thank you, I hope at least one person reads this and opens their eyes to how much more women worry about tone, while men just plow on through, not giving a shit how they make everyone else feel.
Personally I thought Horizon had a fantastic sense of discovery in how it laid out its worldbuilding and story. I don’t think I’ll quite have a gaming moment quite like when you explore the Zero Dawn facilities and see some of the best philosophical and moral questions explored by gaming ever.
I’ve been running a marathon since May, going through ARR patch quests, Heavensward and Stormblood. Currently in the post-Stormblood patch quests and until now, there’s been so many great story moments, I can’t count them on one end. Glad to know that shadowbringers is even better than the rest.
Right now I just want…
Counter-Counter point. Happy Gilmore is still one of the funniest movies ever made.
“Inadvertently” is corporate speak for “we didn’t think you’d find out.”
I think the difference is “inadvertently”. The difference is Microsoft PR trying to fall back to their previous “No, this isn’t something we just do” we all saw on the home assistant issues before they’re forced to admit that using the same policies on Cortana produces the same results.
I live my life a quarter movie at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those 30 minutes or less, I’m free.
Has anyone else noticed that the people yelling about TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME are the ones that sound deranged? Also, it kinda sounds like they’re yelling about what’s wrong with Trump, as opposed to their “enemies.”
Normal human beings ?? Those guy take bullets and fire projectile on their bare skin. There’s nothing realistic here. It’s a fantasy game where anything goes. Poor Tifa she’s born with big breast and now we force her to have a breast reduction to not hurt other peoples feelings. Can she just be herself and feel good…
Oh no. You kicked a hornet’s nest by bad mouthing the Switch on Kotaku. Good luck, sir.
Excuse me, but the two games you use as an example are amazing and console quality. Like he said, it’s exactly the same situation, unfortunately, the Vita didn’t have the bulletproof vest that anything made by Nintendo has with critics and fanboys.
I drove my mother to the airport for Mother’s Day. That was drama enough for me.
Psychologist here! Please do not armchair diagnose someone with schizophrenia.
Honest Question: Has change.org actually ever changed anything? Or is it pure wishful thinking for slacktivists?
Oh God, fuck this. I have my misgivings about it too, but I am so done with entitled dipshit fans like these.
My argument there is that’s a book being remade into a different medium that, let’s be honest, more people will interact with.