
Lol.. confidential means jack shit unless you are bound by agreement. We are under no legal hold from publishing information given to us by sources. Did they sign an NDA? Doesn’t sound like it. So TT doesn’t have the right to push around the media with threats.

tfw you categorize too much as “evil”

Aee that’s the problem. You dont get to decide if you’re the punchline to someone’s joke. You can decide its not funny. But just as anyone on the internet and world is allowed a joke at my expense, they are certainly allowed one at yours. Also, you’re speaking about a community of people that makes up less than 10

Jesus fucking christ this is some conclusion

I don’t agree with that quote but I also don’t assume that it is the gospel of hollywood. Sounds like they’re doing just fine. There is more than one production house in the world. Hell start your own! This line though “white male anxious to preserve their dominion” who hurt you?

Yeah...underage victims of sexual harassment shouldn’t try to “stir up trouble” for those who harassed them.

I can’t resist the pun: it’s actually blacklash.

It’s in relation to competitors talking up streaming solutions, that will be playable on any device. Sony is basically saying there is still a need for a few more generations of consoles, so nothing dampens their future PS5 marketing, which is fine.

Neither. They don’t fucking care. This whole “don’t feed the trolls” stuff doesn’t work on them because they are not trolling.

Also lol: “Logic and facts in an argument do nothing to change their mind and only cause them to just repeat themselves ad infinitum.”

You are just saying that because someone walked up to you and pressed “A” aren’t you.

He thinks practically all Sony exclusives are just climbing games, but ignores the fact that that is more the case for the Switch’s biggest exclusives like Zelda and mario. ....30 years of the same jumping and climbing NEVER gets old for them

Metroid Prime 4 will most likely NOT be released next year. Expect that in 2 years minimum. 

I feel like I’ve seen this movie before.

What did the 3DS do to hurt you?

Look for red hats with eyes...

Hey, maybe one will still be found.

They already did a Mario reference in AC 2

Disney, what are you waiting for.

I don’t think there is a more valid use of “Pics or it didn’t happen” than this post...