
Funny, Oculus and Vive are sure a thing, but the PS4 might be the platform, that makes VR Popular!Nice!

Wasn’t the PS3 launch an absolute disaster though? I don’t remember it going well at all and sony having to scramble to right the ship

Counterpoint: remove objects which kids can put things into things, out of their reach, especially if said object is important to one’s career?

My wife was (was) a MMO player, around the time we started dating (something like 10 to 12 years ago). She played a few action-RPGs, one or two adventure games, and, like, every single F2P MMO out there. But always fantasy games, and almost always mouse-based. When we moved together she started playing heavily JRPGs,

A completely unscientific and anecdotal survey amongst my female friends leans heavily towards Bioware for singleplayer gaming, including Mass Effect and Dragon Age. Most cite better representation and organic character building as their main reasons, although most of them are fairly skilled at shooters too.

From earlier reports, it sounds like they will adapt a similar structure to XBL/PSN where you get X amount of free games to play each month, and can continuously play them as long as you have the subscription. This should also may way for discounts for VC titles too. I just like they have the same team who handled the

Yeah. After discovering my VC games would not transfer cleanly from Wii to Wii U (I’m aware you can do it but like most Nintendo platform functionality, it’s attrocious) I decided not to buy another Nintendo console until they provided a permanent game library like Steam that easily moved between hardware.

I assume the

I have no faith that Nintendo will show goodwill on this front...which is exactly why I have no qualms whatsoever of using a rather large library of ROM files to play to my heart’s content.

Believe it or not, even Lucky’s Tale can set me off. I can only play for maybe 15 minutes or so before I start getting the first warning that it’s time to stop (start sweating and feeling very hot). But compared to the DK1, CV1 is a dream. With DK1 I was done within 2 minutes just walking up the stairs in that classic

I liked the story but I quit before I hit 58. The exp grinding was soooooo boring. I loved flying all over the place. Dungeon times were crazy long as well. This was 6 months ago.

Now would definitely be the time to play catch-up since currency is adjusted to help us do so. The MSQ is also excellent and worth investing in. I know it can seem daunting to catch up, I’m i232 and I feel behind, but remember that with Stormblood coming there will be others in your situation coming back. It’s the

I actually really like the story, what bothered me was that you had to grind the dungeons because some quests had ilvl requirement. And on top of it, there was a daily limit to the currency you could gain to buy your gear.

Heavenswards’ initial MSQ was really good. They’ve really dropped the ball for the patches though. 3.1,3.2, and 3.4 were total snore fests. Hopefully 3.5 will have some good story for me when I get home!

I’ll only believe it’s a Hitchhiker’s Guide reference if there was a bowl of petunias somewhere nearby.

Doesn’t look like anything to me.

I don’t need an e-sport to tell me I’m masturbation champion.

Kotaku pays people to write fan fiction? Fucking hell, where do I sign up?


Stop using this unoffical concept image. It gets people’s hopes up and just makes them angry. It’s not going to look like this. In all likelihood, it’s going to be a rebadged Everest.