
I don’t know man, it’s like being excited for a slightly more powerful Go Kart engine when you’ve got a Ferrari sitting right next to you.

What they need is good 1st party games out the gate. Get the install base and 3rd party support will come.

Yeah but most gamers are used to thinking of a Nintendo console as a “and also” device.

I know you are measuring the PSP to the DS, and the 3DS to the Vita. But the PSP was far from a failure, it sold about as well (81 mil) as the PS3/360 did (85/86 mil). The 3DS has yet to reach that number (60 mil so far). Also, the Vita has sold better globally than the Wii U. How sad that Sony’s failure of a handheld

Pretty sure the new xbox and ps4 models are pretty much for vr related stuff and if youre not doing that stuff its mostly just unnecessary fluff like I dont even have a 4k tv either so ill just take advantage of the price drops of the older models when they release the new ones

Third Party Support != Multiplatform support.

Tim Approves.

Why do men have to be kicked in the nuts for laughs?

Possibly the most millennial response to this situation possible.

You realize noone would have been shot if neither had guns ? (Captain Obvious here, sorry)

They tend to release their digital titles on the fly without much warning, so they hardly ever show up on the list. That said, Sony has been making the competition look silly for the past year and change with the number and quality of digital stuff going up each week.

Is it me or does it just seem like there isn't as many games releasing for the Xbox 1?

That Magikarp should’ve been a sign.

Let’s just hope they washed their hands of the whole affair. With lots of Purell.

You just made my day. It’s so rare to see someone on this site that has a realistic view of the world and how things work.

Doubtful that it’s the right business move. They screwed over their early adopters, who would’ve been the most enthusiastic supporters, and also engendered a ton of ill will from the public through bad press. This destroyed their momentum, gave them a negative public image, and allowed the HTC Vive to dominate the PR

Gonna be honest, I feel that room-scale and sit-down experiences should be separated here. I mainly feel that way because all sit-down experiences in VR have felt like a pointless conversion from comfortable headset-less play to lower-resolution-but-head-tracks play. Meanwhile, the room-scale play is a completely new

season 7 opener!

That’ll probably be the final season. I’m going to guess Season 7 will be focused on Danny steamrolling Westeros and eventually somehow teaming up with Jon. You’re wall crumbling will be the season 7 cliffhanger and season 8 will be the final war.

if you have abs, you can get yourself another wife and make more children. Problem solved!