
Watched the video from start to finish, twice. Paused in critical area's, and after close observation, it appears that the Xbox One version runs at a lower resolution (900p) as they said it was going to. A little bit more aliasing on the Xbox One, and sometimes the textures look less clear. PS4 and PC match

just because you grab the last piece of pizza doesnt mean that there will never be any more pizza EVER.

Ender's game was more like Starfigter: The RTS

Just my reaction exactly. :-/

You mean, Ubisoft doesn't want reviews to go out prior to millions of people buying it first in case of a negative blow back? Color me shocked.

One does not simply sell a console without strong exclusives.

Something about Console Master Race... :)

I don't really care about the enemies a.i but hell my squadmates can't even shoot a enemy point blank. I've died several times already thinking my teammate was going to melee that guy standing right next to them but never did.

I like the cut of your jib!

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

A bit sour its not on the wiiu, It belongs on the console imo :P.

Sadly missing and will remain missing unless a reboot happens haha. I still want my Darkwing Duck figure.


Judge : "yes, here's 2000 bucks for the shame went through. BUT, here's a 2000 buck fine against you for trivializing depression and other serious disorders. "

Only lawyers win.

Google gets fined for posting a picture of a woman's cleavage? Gizmodo posts the same picture. Ahh, the internet.

I can't even fap to that. ...or can I??!!!!

This content was not added in the past weeks. But yeah, people who have no idea of game development should not post stuff like that.

Yeah, we wouldn't want those types of comments suppressing the "If only these people would stop being selfish, lazy murderers then that would reverse the millenium's worth of systematic economic genocide" posts.

Now if the countries of the EU and the United States would just stop the millenia-long exploitation, genocide, and stripmining of Africa's people and natural resources and allowed them control over their own land and to charge a fair price for goods and labor, AND united as a group, then not only would they rival the

Now if the countries of Africa would stop trying to kill each other and unite like the European Union or United States (United States of Africa, USA?) they would be a major world power possibly equal to the US or China. They have uranium, diamonds, oil, and other natural resources the world needs. They need to set up

France somehow looks even more pathetic from this view.