
I'm a balding white guy in my thirties with a beard and a bit of a spare tire. Everyone at the con is cosplaying as me.

Doubt that actually. Microsoft probably paid for the higher position and the console cost $100 more so it's logically to have the attention on it. That and PS4 pre-orders are done at Toysrus but there is a bunch of Xbox One pre-orders left.

Even worse if it's your gyno.

Heh. They actually did the same thing for Valentine's Day as well. V-Day itself was pure white, but the week afterwards had all the worlds set to pure black.

I think you nailed it with this:

Having people who "understand 18 -24 year old males" does not make it ok to have a workplace specifically exclusionary of women. I'm sick of the "toughen up or get out" attitude. If she's made it this far in the industry, I think she probably isn't giving up. She IS strong. That doesn't mean everyone else is off the

"Because this is the corporate world in a nutshell. And if your great at what you do, and can speak loudly enough about it, no one give a damn if you are black, white, purple, male female or llama. If you know your shit, people will take you seriously. If you act like the victim at every turn, then they treat you that

I think if you are of a demographic where you are not used to being held back by basis of your race or your gender— that is you're a white guy— its very easy to hold these kinds of viewpoints. it's difficult to understand the subtleties of entrenched discrimination if you yourself don't experience them or, equally

I fear that an article like this will discourage young women from entering the games industry, and that's a shame, as I find it empowering to be a female in a male-dominated industry. Here's my personal experience: LucasArts Entertainment Company - my dream job at the time - hired me fresh out of college. I was the

I've only had to deal with one, completely bogus "harassment" claim in my life, and it was because the person was absolutely sick - as in they've been on psych. disability since leaving that job. It had nothing at all to do with their gender or sexual orientation.

And that sounds like victim-blaming-blaming! :O

It's important to remember that Microsoft was changing the way their entire console were to work (and their family sharing was just a part of that), where-as Valve is just adding a feature to an existing and well-established service they provide without changing the basic structure of how it's users already interact

It is free so there's hardly a lot of room for complaint but if anyone watched the HBO show or read the books and thought "this will make a great 8-bit platformer!" then their ambition falls some way short of my own.

Actually, the game is very good.

I'm having a lot of fun on this game, can't wait to get home and play some more.

Ultima Underworld

ahh one of you... Shoo troll.

Final Fantasy XIV. Game is so much fun.


I'll be on FFXIV. The game is seriously fantastic and feels more very close to a great single player FF game than a MMO. The main quest story lines and cut scenes are a really nice touch.