
At 43, the one perfect actor for Drake is already too old for the part:

I recognize the differences in context. I mean to suggest that your comments about this particular case are aimed more at the quality of product ("garbage app") and the perceived quality of users, and in the process you're missing the fact that several events in traditional gaming evoke a volume of comments and tweets

Because the ME3 ending was one of the best in history.

Now playing

Is it wrong i read your comment like this?

Unless we troll them and say "Our games are better than yours" and get them riled up because they basically Kim karku fanboys.

I haven't even taken my shoes off or hung my coat yet :)

For all the gruff mid-30's brown-haired macho white guy protagonists we have, probably in part due to the success of Uncharted, I find it like really, REALLY hard to not like Nathan Drake (probably because of Nolan North's consistently excellent performance). He makes me laugh so much, and aside from the ludonarrative

Once again MS is abandoning the vision it first sold me. I signed up for what the XB1 could be and now it's just going to be some other game console. Ugh.

Your definition of epic may vary.

Xbox owners, you're getting a lot more of Destiny than Playstation owners ever got of Halo.

Did you try the Alpha? Or do you plan to try the Beta? I was in the same boat, but I played the Alpha and did a 180. Bungie has done a terrible job describing the game. Playing it is a much better way to get a feel for it.

I think I'm sold!

How great would it be if Respawn retconned Titans into WWII while Call of Duty keeps going further into the future.

Yes it is. If being an American has taught me anything, it's that repression is healthy. Your body is a dirty thing and you should be ashamed of it.

But the Templars are manipulating the war.... That's why this is AC

To be fair, there haven't been any revamps in quite some time. Oh, sure, there's a few good distinct storylines going around—the Aligned Universe, i.e. the High Moon games and TF:Prime, the movieverse, and the IDW comics—but none of them have necessarily been COMPLETELY closed off just yet: Prime is getting a sequel

Yeah but "asians eat lots of rice" is not really the type of stereotype anyone is talking about and you must know that "asians eat lots of rice" is very different in so many ways from "Asians are all good at math" which is a harmful stereotype to every asian who isn't good at math.