
I bet each one is 5, 7, 5 on the syllable count too—a bastardization of the true Japanese form, which is not concerned with English syllabics.

I guess this means if you buy an iPad secondhand, you'll now have sloppy seconds right out of the box.

100% this. I loved the conspiracy sub-plot which reminded me of a better version of the Da Vinci Code (or was is Angels and Demons...) and I loved solving the puzzles. Totally wish they kept at least some element of this in the series.

I can't believe Mario 64 is only an hour and forty-five minutes.

He's a bra is half full kind of a guy.

I don't regularly watch it, but it was on while we ate dinner the other day. I'd say every few minutes there were 2 guys lying on the ground, writhing in pain. Many times it looked like they barely touched each other. Soccer players seem to have monumental endurance and speed, but durability does not seem to be their

Wow. Once again, another game that is not releasing on the Wii U platform....

They can't even name anything "great" about the Xbox One EXCEPT for 3rd party software, ask them for first party games and all the have is Kinect sports rivals and Forza720p

Yes, but if I can play it on my PS TV, why would I go out and buy a Vita?

This is where I stopped reading the article.....

You know.....if it happens this many might be you

What's with all the Social Justice Warriors picking fights with Ubisoft? This is like the absolute LAST game developer that the SJW/feminist crowd should ever be nitpicking and looking for something to bitch about. There are plenty of real issues concerning women found elsewhere.

Are you sure this is correct?

Write a character.

You sir have stated exactly what all of us outside of being Nintendo obsessed are feeling. It sucks because I have such fond memories of Nintendo from growing up with nes and all after that but they just seem so out of touch with us now I've almost completely given up. I honestly believe they need a president from

It makes me a little sad that this is going to be the tin can people beat on for the next few years when there are many more relevant issues in the gaming industry.

inorite? What will she build a magic dragon out of now?
