
Hey Guys, Can you confirm if the PS4 version has HDR or not, I can’t seem to find that info anywhere. I know the XB1X has it, but nothing for PS4 is ever mentioned.


I remember FF11 fondly and horribly all at the same time.

Well the catagory is called Best Picture, not biggest social impact.... so.....

Except, you know, there has never been a case of false accusations before... No one scorned would ever tell a lie.

Still working through Kingdom Hearts, just finished Birth by Sleep last night, so it is on to RE:Coded tonight then Dream Drop tomorrow. Hoping to make it through the rest in time for KH3 in 10 days. Fingers crossed.

3 Words.... SEVEN MINUTE ABS!!!!!!!

So they drop all the Marvel licenses, my main reason for liking Netflix, and now expect more money.

Screw Dinklage (giggle) I want Cadye 7 with Nathan Fillion back....

That is one thing that PSVR has over the Oculus and Vive. Never understood how a HMD 1/4 the cost can do a better job at this than the 2 big boys. It is the prime reason I use my PSVR and my Vive is collecting dust.

ARGH! Yet they still wont stop using those shitty frensel lenses.... I love my vive, but things still look like shit in a high contrast environment. It has been a couple years now, time for an update guys!

Funny, Kevin Spacey has 1 night of a drunken mistake, that he does not remember, and actually didn’t amount to anything and the man is ruined in Hollywood.

For me it is the experience.

Seriously!!!! We can’t get a Cayde-7, but we get F’n Uldren back!!!!

Reading this again made me weepy... thanks ya bastard....

That is really the sad reality of it.

It never ceases to amaze me how shit like this gets made. Like who signed off on moving this to mobile?

It is hilarious just how little you actually know, you claim to have worked with professionals in the field... So what, did you deliver them water or mail or something, because when it comes to actually knowing anything about abuse you seem to know jack shit. It is not up to me to educate you, go look shit up on your

Just keep talking, it show just how little you actually understand about human behavior and is rather humorous....

No, it is people like you and your flawed logic that seem to think that women are not at fault and men are evil.