
Wow, you obviously have never been around anyone who is in an abusive relationship I guess.

Finally someone with some bloody good sense. thanks for saying this and saving me the time of responding!

I am not saying he is defending himself here, what I am saying is it works both ways, and today it is cardboard, tomorrow maybe a book or a plate.

But who is to say it stops there? What it is, is a show of aggression on her part as well, and maybe next time, it will be a book, or a plate.

Well in all fairness, we actually saw her assault him, and only hear him assault her. So when it comes to painting a full picture, it was pretty clear she started it.

So how large and heavy an item needs to be used against him before we consider it assault then? We are actually breaking it down now to the minutia to excuse her behavior as well?

The Kingdom Hearts train continues with KH2, about 10 hrs in now, trying to get them all in before KH3 hits later this month.

I managed to finish up 70 games this year (that is front to back story and some side quests, very little MP)

As beautiful as this looks, I have to say I am kind of over the whole abstract wordless narrative.

When EA does this, we burn them at the stake, when Activison does this, pitch forks and torches. When RockStart does this? Oh I am sorry, I cannot hear you over the sound of fanboys gagging on R*s dick.....

Well played!

I would say Killer 7 gives ET a run for the money.

I am not here to defend the man, but are we really stooping that low now? Like this is juvenile troll shit people pull on Reddit when they have lost an argument.

Everyone trying to steal a piece of someones success....

Broken dreams....

Wahhh, Waaahhhh, we have a corner on the market for being discriminated against. stop stealing our hate you cracker ass honkeys....!!!!

Exactly how I felt hitting 50. I found I was not enjoying gaming at all at that point. It certainly was not worth the faster queues. :)

AST is still on my list of things to try. Really ultimate goal is get all jobs to 70, but I just cant make the time.

That is something I definitely felt as well, when I did run WHM, I had to be laser focused on the task at hand, there is no passively playing healer. 

I main RDM or BRD in FF14, but got all my jobs up to 50 at one point.