
And here you are, still furthering my point, that you have absolutely nothing to add to an adult conversation. Run along little one, must be past your bedtime

Yes, because I absolutely meant Strait instead of Straight.... /s

Holy fuck, someone made a typo on the internet! Lets get him!!!!


I am imagining they left that hanging because we are getting more with the Atlantis DLC coming. I would not be shocked at all if we see Layla as the protagonist in that DLC, venturing forth into Atlantis.

You are gonna want to check out the comics. I jsut come to find in the last month that all the real world, Minerva, Juno, etc and Shawn Hastings and the gang all are fleshed out and finished up in the comics. This blew me away because I thought too it was just kind of sloppy how they sort of forgot about all that

“But we’ve now had LeFou in the live-action Beauty and the Beast, Trini in Power Rangers, or Lando in Solo, just to name a few, all characters declared as gay or, in Lando’s case, pansexual, in interviews but not explicitly shown as such in their films. All situations in which it has been pointed out that this is

The Wizard cast a fireball!

Wow it must be really hard making and brand and sticking with what you want it to represent in this day and age of whiny bitches...

I am sort of on the fence here. I was a die hard lego guy for years. And really only started buying Lepin last fall.

I am sort of on the fence here. I was a die hard lego guy for years. And really only started buying Lepin last fall.

Or you can save even more if you switch to Lepin, only $139!

Or you can save even more if you switch to Lepin, only $139!

Good thing they are not focusing on PC then....

Cater to the hardcore crowd... Why? Becuase we stick around and are faithful if you have a good product.

This happens to me all the time. Just randomly doze off. I have started to try and listen to my body a bit more. When I am that tired playing, just power off and take a nap for 20 or 30 mins.

I always get a chuckle when on Kotaku people use the words racist and racism wrong....

Ditto, after your first big encounter with the spartan leadership you have to fight the “boss”, he had WAY more health than me, I was probably under leveled to take this on. We tussled, he almost killed me a few times, circled each other, and then PUNT right off the cliff, he screamed all the way down, and splat,

This makes my Epee tingle....

Well in a day and age where we can “identify” as anything we want, why can’t it be white....

Not necessarily, but I would like to imagine in her travels that did not involve me watching her every move, that she was out at every space port watering hole looking for the next conquest :)

You never forget your first....