
They now include QA for Quality Assurance!

Hey guys, come out back and look at this sweet molehill! Oh wait, thats a mountain....

So Kevin Spacey accidentally (while too drunk to remember) came on to a minor and his career is ruined in perpetuity.

My point here was not to clear sorry.

See the thing is, she had no indication he was violent, nobody did till it escalated after the fact.

Ahhh, typical behavior....

The problem is that we now live in an age where unwanted attention has morphed into harassment. Did he stick around her all day long hounding her? Making remark after remark?

Seriously? A danger to others? Good lord. I would love to live in the safe space you must have to think that talking to someone lewdy is “dangerous”

Sooo, Rachel wears a low cut top to draw attention to her assets.

You may want to look into this think called humor, try it out a bit, have a laugh.

Counter point, maybe he has to refrain because we live in such a culture now that should you make any even mildly flirty comment it can me misconstrued and morph into a #MeToo diatribe?

But it is all a suspension of disbelief thing.

Ruby with long hair 1000000x times hotter


“Often, just getting somewhere safely is a rewarding challenge in itself, even when that “somewhere” is just back down from a climb. And it’s certainly far more immersive to have to worry about falling off things.”

It would be infinitely better if I could climb in the rain and not fall to my death....

Kick ass!!! I have yet to play BL2, so this is a welcome addition!

OMG I was controller throwing mad last night (**controller never got thrown**)

What is this referring to? Necessary for what? Context? Full article? Help a brother out here!

So excited I can see his nipple from here, and I live in Canada!