
Because in general you talk about a console generation, not a snapshot in time that fits the narrative fanboy spin you want to put out.

There is a HUGE difference between what is available and what is worth playing, that is a completely different arguement.

Horizon? Really? By the same token that is like saying that Skyrim is a climbing game.

I have no clue what you are going on about... If you mean to imply it has had more exclusives in the last year and a half since it was released than PS4 in that same time frame, that is retarded.

Only 2 games comes to mind (Tomb Raider and Uncharted). Where are all these other 3rd person climbing sims, I love those games!

Yup, just like every Ninty fanboy saying their box is an exclusive dominating machine!!!! When in fact we get like 10 indie ports a week. But whatever floats yer boat.

5 out of 70 are remakes.... but ya know...

Incorrect.... PS4 has 70 exclusive PS4 Only titles, Switch has 41.

2022 and coming to the next next gen platform, as well as the Switch Pro or whatever they call it.

Seems like a missed opportunity for a MARIO ODYSSEY!!! easter egg.

Here is one more very good reason to like it :)

No boob jiggle, no buy!

I am sure hoping this will work with Revive. Sold my Rift a while ago :(

Have you looked into the designer brands? All the big guys jumped in. My Georgio Armani smartwatch looks fantastic with a suit.

Because everyone pissed an moaned that D2 was not like D1.

Correction, Amazon Prime no longer has a discont program, the E3 pre-order deals were not prime exclusive and much bigger.

Seriously, how do people function in life when they cannot remember where they leave their money?

And this is why they put the pre-order incentives in place really.

So facts = fanboy, good to see you have the blinders on....

Apple called, they want their modified slogan back...