
Well actually....

I hear you, that is the double edge sword, wait for a price drop, and all the casual crowd has long moved on, and all you are left with in matchmakers is elitist jerks.

Sadly I think you may be right, which will really impact how I buy going forward. I love day 1 games, but not at $90.

Well on a positive note Sony has been really good with digital sales, there is rarely a week that does by without some discounts.

I wonder that too, this year in Canada there was almost no E3 deals at all, when historically 20 or so games would be $30 off day one.

I am still a 100% physical guy, but because I play and sell all my games asap. I only ever go digital if I am forced to.

Yes, but I am talking about the deep discounts like E3, those are outside of the Prime stuff.

Counterpoint, pre-order everything, because cancelling costs you nothing.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider for me this weekend.

Are you kidding? Rikku dress up sim! That was awesome!

I am going out on a limb here and saying because it sucked? My least fave FF game.

True, but I see nothing wrong at all with public camera surveillance. Again, it is PUBLIC. They tap my phone, bug my house, then sure, that I got issue with, but when you are out and about on the street, there is no reason you should expect privacy.

Well really that is still a big debate, when in public there should be no expectation of privacy.

Because that Orwellian (or is it Oswaldian?) type of surveillance benefits him too.

To be fair though, Spider-man constantly talks about his distrust for the cops. From line like “I better get out of here before the police arrive” to how some distrust him just as much.

I just can’t help but wonder... Why not both? Superman and Supergirl? Marvel made like 19 movies in a decade to flesh out their universe.

The sad thing is, he does hit some of the right targets, just needed some explanation.

HAhaha, that is awesome!

Oh my God this is brilliant!

Welcome to Canada circa 2011.... Best deal we get is 2 foot longs for $15....