
Holy shit people, it is called optimization for fuck sake.

This folks is American at its finest.... I see from the photo that the establishment sells Budwiser and Miller, maybe we can sue them too because they were affiliated with the establishment...

The person who hurt him.

Because if the article divulged that info, then it would not allow Jez to paint the narrative in the manner they chose.

“Officers say she refused to cooperate with them, would not speak to them or tell them her name, and “went limp,” according to the Guardian, in an act of “passive resistance.”

No matter how you slice it though, and this is the whole point, you cannot simply make blanket generalization about something.

My theory is it all has to do with the big box stores.

Absolutely with ya there, it makes it seem to me that the video is faked.

In preparation for the new Tombraider game next month, I just finished replaying PT1 last night, and about to start Rise of the Tombraider this eve.

Hmmmm, not what I was expecting, this went from must play to meh, wait til it is all out then maybe.

Just finished it up yesterday, not at all what I thought, but it was amazing. Kudos to the writers for a superb story.

Halfway through Soma right now, gonna wrap that up, and hopefully plow through Hellblade finally. Now that the HDR patch is out, I think it is high time I get it done.

Like I have said a dozen times here already, Stereotyping is stereotyping, no matter what it is for, be it a job, a skin color, religion or choice of past time.

Yup, when it is proven in a court of law that it was an unjust kill or use of force.

Do you have a job? Do you work in an office?

Oh, so you get top pick and choose who you blanket with hate. Gotcha.

You sure about that?

What I was doing is offing a comparison on how a blanket sterotype can be bad.

I did see yesterday on Reddit that they released their first major patch for PS4 that improved a lot of stuff.

Just one of many if you google it -