
Wow, I seriously hit a nerve, think you need to lay down and take a little nap there son.

No worries.

You are using that word wrong you know...

The are certainly defending criminals in their circle, google is your friend for tons of stories on this.

Again, I go back to WE ALL DO IT!

I am making a point about how society makes stereotypes that are absolutely not true.

And if you looked above you would have seen my other reply:

Ahhh, so you are one of the morons who believe that every cop is bad too, gotcha... Thanks for showing your true colors early, so I know how to address you going forward.

Because every group has to protect their own.

Painting any group, be it ethnic, religious or otherwise with a broad brush is wrong. And if you think that every cop in law enforcement is bad, then you sir are the idiot.

Kinda like how BLM defends their own, even when they are criminals getting shot?


That is what I meant, like we are 2 days past launch. And still and reviews.

Are we going to be getting a proper full review? We are 2 days out from launch and no media outlets have posted reviews yet, that is rather concerning.

We are free to love anyone we choose... well... unless they do not conform to my beliefs of what is acceptable....

“We have fixed the issue to the best of our ability at this time”

For me I need to keep rotating between long games and short indie games or short AAA games.

Haha, the gross part is I average about 50 games a year, some long (H:ZD), some short, (Hitman:Go) I have been chipping at a 400+ game backlog since 2013. Finally stopped buying new stuff this year unless I plan to play it day of release, so at least I have stopped the bleeding. Hahaha

Well if I include my steam library, I am around 200 games in my backlog, that said I have chipped off 37 games from the list already this year. So making progress
