
I am willing to wait and see how it pans out, I too have yet to be disappointed in any of their games, just on paper, right this second, 76 does not seem to hold any appeal, but who knows, they could surprise me.

I have seen the E3 stuff, and did hear that, but I can’t quite conceive of a way they could give you a meaningful without some form of “human” npc interaction.

Agreed, there has been almsot no mention of what the heck there is to do. Since it is just you and other RL players, there are no NPCs for story.

But in this world we live in now, it is one and the same. Accusations hold as much weight as actions....

The worst thing? No.

This is what happens when we all “win” at everything, nothing is a challenge anymore....

I beat her on Give me God of War mode like an idiot....

I still think there has to be one secret left, people still have not solved what the red box runes are yet.

Well for just a few grand you can get a decent Faux-K projector and have a 200" screen.

How about we reboot Firefly now that Joss has enough clout to ensure it wont be cancelled?

I have been saying this for years and year, he is the perfect fit, every role he is in, is pretty much Nate. Hope this kick starts something for him.

Problem is the US is a litigious place, and just because you file a civil suit and win, does not always mean you are right, just sayin.

Sadly, not if you live in Canada, where Amazon seems to be limiting preorders so that we can’t get out 10% discount (which they dropped from 20% last year)

Sadly, not if you live in Canada, where Amazon seems to be limiting preorders so that we can’t get out 10% discount

It is astonishing how many commenters here completely miss the point.

You may want to do a little research yourself:

Slow news day huh?

And now we have the scam that is Labo, whereby someone at Nintendo, as a joke, told their team, I bet these Nintendo fanboys will buy anything, hell, I be you we could sell them an empty box and they would eat it up.

I am starting to feel the value really isn’t there anymore.

Rob the robot, Virtual Boy, Power Glove, DK Bongos, Power Pad, Super Scope.... Shall I go on?