
Wait what?! I thought the planet was getting warmer? Now we hit the coldest temp in recorded history....

welcome to the majority of Nintendo’s ideas....

Lets not forget the rest of the world, looking at this from just a NA perspective is very narrow sighted.

Robocopy ftw.....

Well at least we have someone new to hate since EA stopped their loot boxes and seasons passes.

Nice! First time hearing about this, but it is now on my radar, looks real stylish and I love well done side scrollers like this.

Not a fan of controversial thought I guess eh?

Can’t take the opinions of others, maybe the internet is not the place for you....

Well if you take more than 5 mins and delve into the world that is in Last of Us, you can see what society has become.

You know you had a compelling post until your tl:dr.... Has nothing to do with that at all, but why not sully your eloquent post with mud slinging. kudos!

Oh course it is not a choice, but in a society like they show us in Last of US, one on the bring of destruction, do you really think they would be tolerant enough to let this go on? Unlikely.

Maybe last of us truly implies the Last lesbians left alive. lol

Riiiight, because in a world gone so horribly wrong that psycho’s are trying to kill little girls, that the remnants of society are all so warm and fuzzy that Ellie would consider artificial insemination, you know with all those great fertility Dr’s running around not trying to cure the disease wiping out mankind....

My main issue with this, and I have said it a lot lately because things like this have been popping up in post-apocalyptic media a lot lately (the 100, I am looking at you!), is that there is not a chance in hell this would stand.

Anyone else notice MS suddenly stopped talking about the awesome power of their cloud based processing that would revolutionize games like this.

Absolute shining moment in Rebels. Gave us a real sense of just how much of a lightsaber master Obi-wan was and how he could possibly have killed Vader too if he wanted to.

Well in all fairness, they did it with Vader in Rogue One, we all know he is going to die, but does not make it any less awesome.

F that!!! It would be 100-130 Canadian before tax, all of us up here in the great white north would have to stop gaming and start playing more hockey....

Is your boyfriends name Duke? Lucky motherfucker is getting laid like crazy!

Haha, well in this case, it kinda was. They chose to play that shit, they reaped the reward for their actions...