
Or as devils advocate, maybe, just maybe, play some muzak at the establishment.

Nintendo Fan Logic: I really don’t mind being raped, because he has a small penis and uses lube. So it is not really that bad.

Deleting - posted to the wrong user, sorry

Are you willing to PAY for a good game though?

2008 called, it wants its discontent back.

And until they fix this, it is something that works negative nelly!

See, here is the problem with catering to the casual crowd, they do not stick around.

100% of the time if I can have a choice, I choose a female avatar.

Then why even bother to call it CoD BO4? If it is not a continuation of the story, then what is the point keeping the namesake.

Still do not understand why bloody rolled their 20% discount back to 10%, it used to be such a great place to buy new games.

Still do not understand why bloody rolled their 20% discount back to 10%, it used to be such a great place

That said, Sony did say at PSX in December they are hoping to have it in place this year. That would be glorious! I don’t even have that dumb a name, just from a different time in my life.

This is one of my big issues with Nintendo.

I was incredibly excited when this was announced at CES 2018 and was on board to snag one day one.

Oh my Lord, I thought this was an april fools day joke.

I am bummed that Epic Dumpster Bear: Dumpster Fire Redux is not an actual game... :(

Ahhh, so he cant speak for you, but you can for him? Cute....

I have been telling people this for 3 years now, ever since I started a new healthly life style and started tracking my food.

They must work completely different in the US then.

Flights in Canada are about 1300 miles each way, add about 500 miles to go from here to most US destinations, and I think it is about 3k return to the Caribbean.