
lol thanks for showing us you are part of this new generation of whiny little thins skinned babies....

Yup, you are right, being a sexist pig who may have been a little too flirty at the office, is exactly like a genocidal mass murdered. Thank you for enlightening me random internet denizen.

This is like Napster all over again...

You realized those two things are not mutually exclusive right?

I sincerely miss that side of AC, it is what drew me in.

Based on what I remember from ACII and such, those messages were not for Ezio, Minerva was talking through him, to Desmond, so he was oblivious.

The good thing was back in 1976, we did not have the internet to call Luke a “Jerry-Sue” who just picked things up...

Wow, now I am no flat earther, but you have to admire this mans dedication to trolling and being wrong.

And that is my point, in the manner it was presented, it does not at all come across as homophobic or even insulting.

No, becasue that is a hateful word for one purpose only.

But, but, I was gonna go see it a second time right after... Hmmmm....

Now playing

Damn, now I have to decide between this or going to see Super Troopers 2... Damn you Sony!!!!

What it does it negate the fact that this is in fact homophobic as people are saying. Sure it is an insult, but one that is in a weird way more appropriate and not meant in the hateful manner people are portraying.

HEY! you and your rational thoughts do not belong in a comment thread like this. Move along before its too late!!

Because it is really hard to further their agenda with facts like this.

Except NASA never releases the reason for making these changes. Just because she is black does not mean then need to do anything other than status quo...

Sadly until we stop giving all the masses guns, then we cannot stop giving guns to the people who need to keep things orderly.

You clearly cannot come up with original responses, as you copy pasted this over and over again.... Move along...

The problem stems from E-sports not being a traditional sport, where by you play with a large group face to face and are taught good sportsmanship by your coach at a young age.

In all the trash talk there is, that comment is actually pretty appropriate if the man you say it to is gay....