
Well this is just great, I can’t wait to see all the “climate change” folks somehow make this our fault... /rollseyes #theskyisfalling

I am just curious here, she was born in 1980, and True Lies came out in summer 1994.

Responses like this always make me chuckle.

You keep using that word like you know what it means, but sadly, and very evidently, you do not...

Haha, and saying I am doesn’t mean I am... Just sayin

Gotcha, so a nation should not look after its own people, it should fall to ours.

This isn’t a game of what I do for my country, it is about what they would do for my country besides adding to our debt, medical system burden and overall unemployment levels...

Oh no random internet stranger, I feel so wounded....

Ah, the age old troll behavior, call a person a racist and the argument is over....

I am from Canada btw, have at er. Our immigration policy is f’n horrible, we let anyone in!

Holy overly sensitive.

Empathy and good immigration policy are not mutually exclusive.

Sure, there are exceptions to every rule, I am sure that not everyone from 3rd world countries are uneducated, but most are.

And where exactly has that got you as a country?

Exactly. This is the issue that the “humanitarians” of the world do not even think of.

I am not a Trump supporter in any way, hell, not even from the US, but the man has a point.

I am going to let you in on a little secret we keep at the guy club, becuase if this got out, it could be huge...

You know that was one issue I had with the game. They kinda made the Assassin’s look like they were very evil in that era.

“short” by Assassin’s standard only. Doing main story and most of the side stuff still nets you over 30hours. Looking at 40+ for a Plat.

I feel ya man. Jsut finished a MAJOR run of AC games tail end of last year, played 6 in a row....