The fact hat Uncharted 4 is not o nthe list is a crying shame, that is not only the best game of 2016, but in my opinion one of the best games ever made.
The fact hat Uncharted 4 is not o nthe list is a crying shame, that is not only the best game of 2016, but in my opinion one of the best games ever made.
Broccoli is my go to filler, have it for a mid morning snack every day, I use no fat ranch dressing to dip it, 20 cals a tblsp. This will fill you for a couple hours for sure.
Dang, first time in ages there is not 10 PS4 games coming out!!!! Doom, gloom, PS4 is done!
Better not mention she looks hot and do-able in that bunny outfit, wouldn’t want to be accused of sexually violating her....
I think Beyond suffered from shoddy story layout. He seemed to go for the “Momento” type story, bouncing back and forth which really marred the pace in my opinion.
I dunno, maybe I saw something in it you didn’t, but I quite enjoyed the story and it made sense to me. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
To each his own, but the man is waling to the beat of his own drum and is one of the rare few that is not following the annual release cookie cutter formula we see so much of now.
Because he is one of the few visionaries in gaming that is willing to make something different and not a sequel.
Man I love sizzle reels. Lots of good things coming this year for PS. Sadly did not see God of War or Spiderman in there :(
Just squeezed out my last Plat for the year for FF15, now to go back and tackle the secret dungeon.
Lest not forget the roots of the ever popular male fashion, the saggy pant:
I think you really hit the nail on the head with the last statement, you are right, the majority of us who laid the groundwork for modern gaming are now in our 40s, have kids, wives, careers, etc.and tend to have to much of an active life to play “hardcore” anymore.
Agree completely, I remember having to pay a Whm for a tele back in FF11, and actually leveling WHM to do so for friends and to make a gil or two.
You are a braver man than I, after putting in 2400 hrs in a year, I quit cold turkey as soon as CoP was finished. I feel pangs that want me to go back from time to time, and I hear it is a completely different game now, so maybe one day, but I fear for the ability to pull myself away, I was completely addicted to FF11…
You are not a unique snowflake...
Wow, you created an account just to say that. Way to stand by your convictions. So do you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?
You seemed to miss the argument entirely, it is not tha tgames should not cater to every group, it is that every “thing” made should not have the glossed over appeal to all masses.
Amen brother, finally a logical and rational individual in this see of trolls, been taking a beating today with my ideals :)
I love how when faced with logic all the trolls of the world go back under bridge. Been fun chatting with ya, look forward to kicking you from a party one day. :)
Try a little light reading on the subject instad of the spoon fed Facebook activism you seem to be into...