
And that was prettty much addressed by the first patch note I would say. Sure it was no public appearance or an AMA, but they laid out what got fixed, what still needs work, and what is coming down the pipe.

Ahhh, remember the good old days when people did not expect up to the second information? If it was not in the paper. magazine or 6pm news then you got nothing at all and were ok with it?

This is where things get really shitty because of fan boys. All we hear for years now is crying we want more transparency from devs, so this time round, a high profile title has been much talked about by Sean for 2 years, he has never been shy about showing the game off and it has got a lot of stage demos.

Let me introduce you to a little friend of mine called Elite Dangerous...

Enjoy full HD 3d VR gaming for a whopping 4 minutes between charges.

Seems like people are getting a little testie here. Guess there is a vas difference between a unique monster and a penis!

It is really hard to get clicks when you lead with “olympian locks roommate out” I should not have been surprise that this was another Jezzie bait and switch.

Totally, i rarely play anything when it comes out now anyway, my backlog is so big I could avoid buying games for the next 2 years and be fine still, lol.

Sadly I avoid digital games like the plague. I like the physical media so Ican beat it / sell it. But that being said, I have little problem grabbing it the next day, I am too damn old to be starting a new game after midnight. lol

I got a taste of that a few years back now at the Halo 4 midnight launch. I used to love hitting the launch lines in my 20's and 30's. But now? the crowd is a bunch of degenerate losers, half of whom where smoking up in line or were hammered. The guy literally in front of my threw up on his shes and his buddies took

Hahaha, I saw that too, the outrage must have been real strong “Confirm it for me Bob or Iam never speking to you agin” Click.... buzzzzz. Bob.. Bob are you there?

This could be the best reply gif ever!

One would presume a honed athlete would not be prone to missing to the extent of having a ricochet.

There is a BB gun sport at the Olympics now? Seriously!!!! What is next, competitive kick the can!!!!

This has been one of my fave components of the game, I love all things linguistic in life and seeing games take this on is fascinating to me. Rise of Tomb Raider did it as well, and it was awesome.

You sir deserve a special trophy or blueprint for perserverance :) Hats off to you!

God this makes me want to go back to FF11, been toying with the idea for a while. Left after CoP finished and could not look back, it was far to big an addiction. I played 2400 hours in a single calendar year before I quite cold turkey. Ended as a level 75 Rng/Nin, but part of me has always wonder what else there was

My penis (errr Body) is ready for that outfit....

Unless you are in Canada, the we get sweet fuck all... I have even talked to about this and was told that .CA and .COM are two entirely different companies (bullshit) and cannot offer the same promotions. Thanks for literally nothing

Unless you are in Canada, the we get sweet fuck all... I have even talked to about this and was told that

Books 1-5 of GoT is enough shitty writting by RRM for one lifetime, I wont be picking up Wild Cards, but if they make a show, I would consider checking it out.