I woke up this morning to an email that my Sign-In ID for PSN had been changed, though I had not done it. I was able to get my account recovered and change my password so all is well again.
I woke up this morning to an email that my Sign-In ID for PSN had been changed, though I had not done it. I was able to get my account recovered and change my password so all is well again.
Speaking as one who has owned AMD almost exclusively, I would be the last person to ever suggest that AMD has an advantage over Nvidia when it comes to multi-GPU, or even that they are neck and neck. (Mantle SFR notwithstanding, of course.) Every analysis I have ever seen indicates otherwise. Here is a graph…
Incorrect, sadly. Frame metering has been shown to be inconsistent in practice. The two GPUs are not being coordinated; instead, a process is in play which does its best to guess when the alternating frames will arrive, and it only guesses correctly some of the time. I've tried playing a game with this effect, and…
Hmm, I couldn't see much difference at all. I was actually pretty hyped to see the scene at 3:50 where the difference was night and day, I didn't see any...
Speaking of small car racers, there was also an RC car racer on the PlayStation called ReVolt that I really liked. Probably it doesn't hold up at all nowadays, but I enjoyed it a lot some fifteen years ago, or thereabouts.
I work at a video game store and each time we get a micro machine title we can't resist busting out the appropriate consoles and play it. The NES classic is still the best but we also kept the PS1 and PS2 versions. Console please CM
Heck yeah it's Blast Corps! That game blew my mind when I was a kid and I've had it ever since. I'm sorry to hear that your games were stolen, that's rough. Glad to hear you're back at it. N64 is far and away my favorite console to collect for, so I know the feeling.
Given how many different DLC items there were for Just Cause 2 that match your description, I am hopeful that it will just be costumes and crazy guns and vehicles.
Oh it looks like you want to save yourself from death and danger! Would you like to pay $5 to stop yourself from going splat?
How will it not look fuzzy? A lot of games don't use really sharp textures on everything. Maybe 2048 at ultra, and 512 at low with modern games? How would that not look blurry if you scaled it up to 4k? Esp if you turned down detail settings, that would be putting likely around 256-512 textures stretched up to 4096+,…
I really want to get a PS4 as well but have the same concerns. Plus there's no exclusive games out or coming out anytime soon that interest me. But I'm ready to get one when there's more games and a better OS
My ass did clench when the multi armed girl popped out for the first time, mostly because my gunshots did nothing and I knew I missed the beat somewhere.
And still no PS Plus Edition just to salt the wound. I love how nothing works on this thing at launch. I can't even download a new theme for my PS4 because "this content cannot be accessed at this time".
The courses are nice, the cars look nice ... but with no fine-tuning your cars, and very limited car customization, I wouldn't say the game is a brilliant racing game.
This is pretty embarrassing given the 1-year delay, especially considering the mediocre reviews the game got were before the server issues came up.
How many times this trend is going to be repeated? And I have to say (sorry), but SONY is being absolutely stupid by allowing a first party developer to launch such a half-baked game. The amount of negative press is astonishing! This was an opportunity to catch some momentum in the racing scene until the next Gran…
Most polling shows that usually around a quarter of muslims worldwide support suicide bombings and other forms of terrorism, with the numbers being much higher in the Middle East than other parts of the world (though really high in Bangladesh):