
Depending on how you play the first game, Barry may or may not die. It's not uncommon for sequels to pick one ending from the previous title(s) as the "true" story line. (This is particularly true of fighting games that pick one "true" victor from the previous title.)

I just wanted to point out that the vault in the Tower IS a shared character vault. I started my Warlock because I got a legendary helm for one with my Hunter. I threw it in the vault, got my Warlock up to 20 and grabbed it first thing out of the same vault. So there is that for what it's worth...

Kickstarter is not an Investment in the slightest, you have no rights, recourse, or any financial gain when you give money to a kickstarter project. Perhaps handout is a bit harsh, but at its best you are an advance customer. If the project falls through they have no obligation to give the money back and you can't

PA simply wasn't finished and they show no signs of doing as they intended. The devs just sort of flopped it out there and didn't deliver on promises. And from the perspective of the bleachers it looks as if the dev wasn't raking in as much dough anymore with PA and simply wanted to drop it as "released", barely

One. Don't burn your previous Kickstarter customers. Most people are pretty damned pissed about Planetary Annihilation and how it has not been developed into the game that was originally pitched. It is like 70% there. Get the other 30% before moving on.

Except it won't. There's a reason it doesn't already have that and that's the Playstation TV. The Vita already supports Bluetooth and thus should be able to handle DS3/4s fine plus that weird random port on the first models of Vita? That wasn't used for anything? Yea, it was a TV out port. They just never released the

Because the pirate news station of a city in complete apocalypse mode would be all about high production values...

Dishonest is a funny word to use. Let's take a look at The last of us, Uncharted, grand theft auto. Think about the context of these games, the last of us, the setting is post apocalyptic and in order to save one person you kill countless others all for the sake of survival, but you are still killing people with


its a very very small licence fee, Microsoft will make a lot more from Minecraft. But hey at least Microsoft are putting a game on vita... Something that Sony isn't doing. jk

That was my favourite thing I've ever read on Kotaku.
Thank you.

Total: $480

Seeing a new arcade cabinet gives me the nostalgic warm fuzzies. But, it's sad to see a new arcade cabinet that isn't a graphical showpiece. I loved walking into the arcade, seeing a new game had arrived and being totally blown away by how great it looked. This looks like Rogue Squadron 2 for the GameCube—13 years

We have 2 Pro Controllers and frankly I probably would not ever play the Wii U if we did not have them. Used them for SM3DL, Hyrule Warriors, Wind Waker HD, MK8, NG3, WO3 and a few others and it has made me actually enjoy Nintendo again. I have so many Classic Wii games I have not even cracked the wrap on because I

I WILL NOT apologize for my PERFECTLY FINE sentence structure getting ruined by Nintendo's senseless naming schemes.

Front Mission Evolved ($6) | Amazon

Would have been nice if Konami and Fox struck a deal to bring Aliens Arcade to the marketplace in the wake of Alien: Isolation.

There is no tuning, European only cars, not much for older cars and the unlocking works by levels not just by getting the car you want... I guess if you wanted to make a game called EuroRacer and release it in 1998. Stick to GT or Forza, I don't know what Sony was thinking with this and why it took them another year


It's interesting, because literally every person I know who started playing Destiny is still completely hooked, which is surprising to say the least. I figured that by the time Mordor came out I would have lost interest, but that's not the case at all. Either way, taking a break until the new content drops makes total