
Despite what the Loud minority on the internet say, Ryse is actually a really great game. It has things wrong with it... But then again no game is perfect

Seriously, so much wasted potential for a badass single player campaign. Imagine this
The dragons map: Militia needs to break in a heavily defended IMC com center.

If you play it you wont ever play COD, Battlefield, or any no parkour jet pack enabled games again...No one has picked those games back up again aftetward because you find out they are actually the same boring format since the 360 came out lol

And Sole Survivor. Nice.

Actually, with GameWorks games, a R9 290X (Top AMD high end card) performs on par with a 770 (High Midrange card). There is a huge discrepancy in performance.

I would double dip if they re-released it on Xbox One with all the dlc bundled and an improved frame-rate. I had a great time with this game.

The system calibrator goes a long way. I haven't had those issues with Kinect at all. It can hear me fine during games and movies. It also recognizes me instantly and haven't had issues with that.

Literally the only reason I don't play anything playstation is that I cant get a feel for their controllers. Tired for months, just couldn't do it.

This controller is the reason I like the xbox more than the PS4. The PS 4 is hands down a better console. That being said, if you want to be a professional gamer and or a serious gamer for FPS games (or just want a good K/D ratio sooner) this is the controller you need. If someone sold a controller like this for the

I actually find the activity feed incredibly cluttered and difficult to navigate. As with anything, I wish there were more customizable options. What games do I care about? What friends do I want to prioritize? Do I only want to see screenshots that were uploaded? It'd be great to have control over what I'm seeing.

You have to scale a mountain of fear to get to the top.

A Sui-slide, if you will.

For this next test, you may and or may not experience a few brief moments of being airborne. Don't worry loyal test subject, this is all part of the test to make sure that this doesn't happen to some poor son-of-a-gun who hasn't signed an agreement to not sue us for injuries. Hell, if anything, you are getting two


if its numbers of games we're going after in the first 6 months, the WiiU, the console that suffered that woeful early 2013 drought, still had had 56 games from November 18 to May 2nd. That is more than the PS4 in the same period of time. We can talk later about the quality of said games if you want, but the fact is

(Unless you need a really expensive new Netflix box.)

Let's not compare Sony and Nintendo in the OS departments Stephen, instead compare past information on Sony's ability to shrink the memory footprint of the PS3 OS over time.

The beta just hit PS4 as of last week (Don't expect too much info since everyone is under NDA). It's been on beta for the PS3 for a while.

The PS4 online store is already feeling a bit cluttered.

The design of Sony's main system interface is also a success.