I did it yesterday and was playing it. Idk what you are talking about.
I did it yesterday and was playing it. Idk what you are talking about.
We've still not seen any footage of the sections where monsters get involved, so there's a chance it can turn itself on its head and become more survival horror-esque later in the game.
Imagine spending, say three chapters happily blowing away humans and being all heroic, then you get to a pack of werewolf-type…
well at least the XBone is region free now, so even if these games never get localized we could still technically play them (although none of these are my particular cup of tea)
I wouldn't mind another Retro Studios Metroid.
A revival of the System Shock franchise (either XB1 or Wii U exclusive to keep things interesting). Also a Phantasy Star game for the 3DS.
I honestly just want to see a new 2D Metroid for the 3DS or for the Wii U eShop (Or both!). If Nintendo announced this, e3 will be complete.
so umm where could i get one of these nitrous rewarding headsets.
Remember Motorbike for the PS3? This game and Basment Crawl make for good arguments for MS' strict quality standards. The same standards they backtracked on after people bitched on the internet.
Either SMB, Duck Hunt, or Joust. I honestly can't remember which one was first but it was one of those.
This game is looking even more like a disappointment every time I see it.
While the graphics look jaw-droppingly amazing, I can't say the same about the gameplay, unfortunately.
I bet this guy right here is passed out right now in a mountain of pizza rolls
You don't think stereoscopy that makes you feel "inside" an environment has a lot more potential than 3DTVs? (which are more like an animated pop-up book, lol) .. I don't get your line of thinking at all. There are ALL sorts of games I'd love to be more immersed in.
I've had my Xbox One since launch day. I use it quite often, but I still play the 360 a bit more. It has a mess of neat features that I barely ever use (twitch, which I streamed Ryse over when a friend asked what it looked like; Xbox fitness; voice commands). The kinect is cool, but I hardly ever use it, aside from…
It is easily my console of choice over my Wii U and my PS4. The voice commands, Titanfall, overall ease of use, it is exactly what I want out of a console. My PS4 only gets used for Fifa 14 (which I bought before owning a Xbox One) so I have no idea why gamers put it up on some type of pedestal when it really has no…