
Not a very good list sadly. Still it doesn't mean Nintendo is finished, even if the Wii U is doing bad. The gamecube did terrible but that didn't finish Nintendo did it?

Also, I'm seriously considering buying a Wii U JUST to play Mario Kart 8. I suspect many people are.

Holy shit, what the hell is wrong with the people who made this list? I'm not usually too bothered about top 10/12's, but this is fucking ridiculous.

47 gig install on an Xbox One. Better make a sandwich and thank god you can switch to a movie or something because that will take forever. PS4 a minute or two before you are playing.

No Rift support? Yet they want a piece of the Oculus money?

I wonder if there will be a stealth part where you are disguised as a Nazi and have to respond in German using Kinect to avoid looking suspicious? That would be sweet.

They did a gift card for every single launch game, and one for Titanfall.

4 out of 10 is way more than the game itself ever got so I give the joke 8 out of 10.

The whole point is that nobody wants to play them.

The reason they didn't decompose is that not even Planet Earth wants them.

This game looks very similar to Zineth, by Arcane Kids. No members of the Zineth development team appear to be involved in this project, but I'm sure anyone who checks out gameplay of both games will agree that there's a disappointing level of similarity.

Not a clickbait title at all

Siglemic has had the World Record on and off for so long...yet the title is "Someone." Cosmo gets WR after WR, and he gets a post for each one.

That's impressive. I think 4 is the most systems I've ever attempted to keep playing in some kind of rotation and that was during the GameCube, PS2, and Xbox generation along with PC. With more and more emphasis put on online gaming, I started whittling my systems down to make sure I could keep playing with friends.

It would probably be easier on me if I were. The girl is always trying to cover up my old consoles with picture frames and candles because she thinks they're ugly, especially my SNES which has turned yellow. Yeah, ok, it's kind of ugly.

Yes, I read that part, thanks. I just took the picture below. Note that every system is wired up. The PS4 and GameCube aren't in the frame because I haven't figured out how to fit them on these shelves yet, but they're both on top of my receiver to the upper right... and both connected. Shadowgate is still in the NES;

I'm in my thirties, have been gaming since the '80s, I have a setup that allows them all to stay connected at once, and I still love a lot of older games. It's really not that difficult to achieve.

I voted eleven: NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii U, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, 3DS XL, Vita, PSP. Then I realized PC sorta counts too, and remembered my iPad and iPhone, and that I have a Virtual Boy in a box somewhere that's not working correctly, so I mis-voted and it's actually fifteen.

The last word was a blemish on an otherwise awesome story.

I enjoyed this kickball story.

When I was in 4th grade, I became a kickball legend. I was playing 2nd base, with runners on 1st and 2nd base, with no outs. Anyway, up comes the opposing team captain and he kicks a screaming line drive right to me (out #1). I catch the ball chest high, center mass. I pivot slightly to my right and notice the the