You got what was advertised. Multiplayer matches with single player elements. Same as the Operations mode from Killzone 3. They never described it as a single player style campaign. It's Campaign Multiplayer not Multiplayer Campaign.
they won't say anything until this has already been released and maybe after they get a Mac and Linux port out of the way. they promised those first.
$90!? (cough-sputter) Sorry. Think my heart just stopped for a second :).
This was advertised as such a long time ago, so yes this will be a documentary available on xbox live.
Will enough people watch to justify cost? That's an odd question, most documentaries are really cheap to make. All they did here is get permission to dig a hole in the ground, and film it. This will certainly be…
You mean a Throne of Games?? Ha!
Sure - but I'm just saying that would be unreasonable to expect, for those very reasons! Each format has it's own plusses. Is there anything right now that screams next-gen to you on PC, aside from a Rift dev kit?
Next gen has never brought revolutionary changes from the get-go and upgrading your PC won't do that for you either. Devs are just beginning to find their feet.
there are definitely last guardian rumors today courtesy of Famitsu
The Wii sold a lot of units based on non-gamers (like my 55-year-old parents) lured by the motion control gimmick. No one sane thinks that the Wii "won" the last generation in terms of what was produced.
Even with that, Titanfall runs on everything. Even old-ass core 2 duos! And it's running on a modified but old-as-hell Source engine. I think it's going to be a while before we see games that are truly "next-gen", games that are night-and-day above (and better) than the current releases.
No I miss the Dead Space franchise... and then I remember DS3's DLC ending and remember why it is no more. . .
My guess is they settled on "792p" (which is a really odd way to refer to it, I think) is that it was the best balance of turning off effects to get a higher resolution, and leaving effects on and having the upscaler convert it. It doesn't OUTPUT at 792p, it outputs at 1080p (or whatever your TV is that you're playing…
I was always disappointed that Bioshock backed down from its original design into a satire about Objectivism that just happened to be set into an underwater city. In the earlier drafts it was a direct spiritual sequel to the System Shock franchise; it was supposed to be set in an abandoned underwater research facility…
This is why I think another GTA or any open world game like it, is what Sony should have invested in from the beginning with the Vita. Not 4 different first-person-shooter that just makes the last one insignificant.
The knock would be that Mario Kart 8 doesn't play all that differently than the other Mario Karts. Graphics aside, I couldn't tell you a good non-business reason for Nintendo to keep 8 from also running on the 3DS. The gameplay isn't beyond the capabilities of Nintendo's popular handheld. But, hey, Nintendo still…
The knock would be that Mario Kart 8 doesn't play all that differently than the other Mario Karts. Graphics aside, I couldn't tell you a good non-business reason for Nintendo to keep 8 from also running on the 3DS. The gameplay isn't beyond the capabilities of Nintendo's popular handheld. But, hey, Nintendo still …
I think he realised that he had higher expectations than the technology and target price point would allow - instead of bitching about it and giving every game a low score because of this, i think he decided to see games for its merits... thats why Titanfall got 5/5
Always wish I could find evidence of this but, back when Bruce Willis did that Apocalypse game, Activision sent out Apocalypse themed condoms to journos and the like. They were black and had "Die hard" on the side of them.