
I'm kind of sad that the Robocop one wasn't featured. (No , this is not self promotion, I didn't even enter) . The BTTF, Tron, and Star wars ones were hilarious, though. I was going to do something with Batman or Godot from ace attorney, but didn't get time.

Damn my Robocop gets no love? Your name had its own layer Fahey... ITS OWN LAYER!!

Don't tell that to Patricia, her job is to post whatever shit she finds.

Isn't this view officially called oblique projection? And depending if all the lengths are the same or shortened it'll be called either cavalier or cabinet oblique projection.

Hey, keep in mind that I'm just demoing features in that video... As I've said in a few interviews now - I expect that in the first hour of gameplay most players might only fire a few shots.

Not going to say one way or the other - but why would I do that? unless I wanted to kill the series off. But I suppose anything is possible.

Hey, I'm the developer, I'll just say that Bounder is heart and soul of the game, without Bounder, there is no game, so don't count on that unless I decide I'm done with the series :P hah

I remember how awesome it was destroying the environments in Red Faction, building tunnels and blowing out floors/walls even in multiplayer and thinking "this is revolutionary! I can't wait to see other games do this! These kinds of mechanics going to be in every multiplayer and every single player and it will be

OK, that was a nice touch.

And here's why the media of that era seized on the story, and why so many people were interested:

Writer has no idea what Clickbait is, spends entire article defending tabloid reporting, never once actually mentioning the process of clickbait or real clickbait.

It makes one wonder:

I tried the Oculus a couple of times at different demos, but was too busy with business meetings to get a chance to try Morpheus. The thing that stood out to me on OR was the PIXELS. Even at 1080p, when they're that close to your face, you can see the pixels and OH GOD THE SCREEN TEARING.

I hope Sony (and Microsoft,

Hey he's not being silly, he's right. And that's coming from someone who has an X1 and PS4. I think you're actually getting the situation backwards though. With MS there are like 5,000 indy games up now. Sure a lot of them are really bad, but it's REAL PEOPLES games...But stuff like Journey, that's not really "indy"

If we have the budget, we'll send her up there.

While I don't disagree with you- I feel like there's more to it than that (disclosure I own an xbone and a vita). Mostly that I feel Sony has built up their customer appreciation on the back of the ps plus free games system (after the whole psn disaster and the need to charge for online) and are desperate to fill up a

Alf just makes everything better.

Yeah, those people who get automatically added to the match towards the end, they suck. We should set them on fire.

You seem nice.