I just love David Hogg’s expression with eager-as-fuck Santorum begging for approval from anyone.
I just love David Hogg’s expression with eager-as-fuck Santorum begging for approval from anyone.
Ugh. He’s the worst (AKA the most annoying), but their movies together were pretty cute. Except for 50 First Dates. Maybe I’ll like it more now that I’m less cynical, but I remember being weirded out by the entire concept when I saw it the first time and I was in high school.
I loved it. It’s so delightfully weird. Each episode is like a Sour Patch Kid. Slightly sweet, slightly sour (or odd), but it works. It’s also super easy to breeze through and the episodes tend to end on surprising notes, which makes you want to watch the next ones.
I love the Katy Perry is Jon Benet Ramsey conspiracy theory. It makes me happy to think that Jon Benet wasn’t murdered and Katy Perry has a more dark and secret past than being a preacher’s kid.
I see it being Indoor Plumbing vs. No Student Loan Debt. Decisions, decisions...
Thanks! If I knew you IRL and lived nearby, I’d send a casserole your way. :)
If you want an actual, competent head of HUD, bring back Julian Castro from San Antonio. He was fantastic, had actual experience, and did the work required of him, which did NOT include redecorating.
I got a farmhouse-style table from World Market, too! We bought six chairs instead of a bench and, with discounts and coupons, only paid about 50% of the original price. I <3 World Market. If you sign up for their member rewards, you actually get rewards.
That is amazing. Thank you for sharing! I don’t have kids (yet, hopefully), but love seeing numbers like these to send to our fucking ignorant legislators. They won’t listen/read, but at least it’s one more item in their inbox showing our distaste for their backwards, misogynistic policies.
Pick one or multiple:
Oh lord. That (only 4 weeks off) sounds horrendous. Congrats on your bundle of joy? I thought my company was bad b/c they’re giving us 6 weeks of unpaid leave for vaginal and 8 weeks for C-section. Both are unpaid and I have to use up all of my PTO before I can dip into short-term disability pay. I’ve already started…
I know someone who put in her Bumble profile that men with fish need not apply.
Yep. My husband says the same thing. He gets super sassy with the 7th and 8th graders and about 50% of the 7th graders get it/play along whereas almost all of the 8th graders get it and sling it right back.
I kind of liked Lily. She was the moral compass of the group (which isn’t saying much). I HATED Robin, though.
My husband’s a middle school teacher and LOVES it. He teaches 7th and 8th, but admits that he wouldn’t want to teach 6th or under because he’s afraid he’ll hurt their feelings with his sarcasm (which is why he loves middle schoolers). He’s also under 30, so he doesn’t want to teach high school until there’s 15+ years…
My region is one of the finalists for Amazon HQ2. We JUST had another major multinational corporation move their North American headquarters here and not only have a skilled labor shortage, but have a shortage of affordable housing for the people who work at the restaurants, retail, and maintenance required to make…
Thank you for articulating what so many of us believe. 1 potential correction: high-school students today are considered part of Generation Z. Gen X-ers are the ones between Baby Boomers and Millennials (Gen. Y).
Finance people, usually. My financial advisor has his initials monogrammed on his work shirts, but since they’re all white, I have a feeling he has about 5 of them he’s collected throughout the years and only wears the monogrammed ones when he’s meeting with clients.
I’m so sorry. If I knew you IRL and were nearby, I’d buy you a drink (or 3). I hope your situation improves in the future, but perhaps after you’ve lengthened your life. :)
That sounds awful, but with a seemingly easy solution! I’m so glad that y’all (you) were able to figure it out!