
Good luck! The no PTO after maternity leave is what’s terrifying me and we’re still at least a year away until we even need to start thinking about preparing for me leaving work for 6+ weeks. We’re trying to plan it so that the baby is born in March, I stay home for at least 2 months, and then my husband finishes

We’re also in a similar boat. My parents live nearby and my mom has already volunteered to come help out anytime we need it, including the first few weeks. Thankfully, her job is flexible and she can work remotely. But still. If the family support wasn’t there and we didn’t have the means to actively save money

I’m glad that it looks like it will all work out for you! It sounds like you and your husband have your ducks in a row.

Not even take care of birth (god forbid the government mandate high standards for birthing centers and hospitals). Just force the fetus to stay full-term and then the mom can figure it out afterwards.

UGH. That whole family/maternity leave nonsense is infuriating. I went to my employer last September b/c we didn’t even have a maternity leave clause in the bylaws. Granted, I work for a small nonprofit (8 full-time, 2 part-time, 2 contract employees) so they’d be in a bit of a pickle if I went on 3 months maternity

Just got an email from his campaign today. Beto raised about $2.4 mil in 2017 compared to Cruz’s $1.9 mil (approx.). Fuck yeah, progressives!

YES! That twist just drove home the point that Perry is not only terrible to Celeste, but to everyone. I feel as though, if she never learned the truth, she would have felt a little guilt that he died. Now, his death not only protects her from future beatings/killing, but other women as well.

Glad to see that other commenters all agree. Kathryn Hahn is fantastic, but that show was not. I really wanted to like it because it was set in Marfa, but it was just... dull.

Ooooh I remember reading that book in high school. It was SO good and helped increase my skepticism for organized religion and the like. I would love to see a miniseries based off this book.

I had a friend in college like that. She had anal sex before she had PIV sex and claimed she was a virgin until her boyfriend convinced her to have PIV sex when they were both drunk one night. I felt bad that she was upset about it, but still can’t wrap my head around why PIV sex is “dirty” and anal sex isn’t.

In 2003 when SRT began to receive government money the organization reported a total revenue of $1,234,543, but over half of that came from government contributions.

My husband doesn’t want us to leave the house if the washer or dryer are running. For that matter, he won’t even let me run the dryer to finish while we’re asleep - and that has nothing to do with wrinkles. He’s kind of paranoid about the one time something sparks.

Beto is the I’m currently volunteering for his campaign by doing data entry and even though it’s such a small contribution, I still feel better after the hour or so I spend on it every few days. I can’t donate money and usually don’t have the time to go to his fundraisers/meetings (scheduling conflicts), but

YEAH! I got an email today from Beto’s campaign that says Beto and Cruz are only single digits apart in the polls right now. Considering Cruz is the incumbent and Beto is gaining ground via grassroots, this is huge news. I’d love for Beto to win and Cecile to run for a different seat. Isn’t she based in DC, though?

Once, I complimented Erykah Badu on her hat as we were boarding a plane. It was like Pharrell’s infamous hat, but about 3 feet taller. I didn’t realize it was Badu until after I noticed that her entourage were all wearing tour shirts with yesterday’s date coinciding with our city.

That’s what I was wondering, too. I could see his cowardly ass, who specifically requested that the judge STOP letting each victim read their testimonials to him, try to kill himself so he doesn’t have to face himself and his actions each and every day. They better suicide-proof his cell.

I love that he begged her to stop having each victim (or victim’s letter) vocally addressed to him. He said something about how hard it was for him to hear all of this. Fuck you, Nassar. You deserve more than 40 years. I just wish they had taken action sooner so he rots in jail for even longer.

Really? I’ve only read the book and seen the first episode of the miniseries (don’t have HBO), but I thought that was a fascinating twist.

Ugh. That makes me depressed.

YES! tbh, I’m watching the episodes where they’re in Vegas at this very moment. It’s enjoyable, although they could all gain a little more maturity.