
WHAT THE FUCK?!? I didn’t read that the first time around. That’s horrifying. Definitely should have won over the ghost car story.

OMG I forgot about that one! That was so terrifying! I’m glad she was able to get away.

Same here. Most of the Top 10 I agreed with, but I wish there were some other emailed stories that made the list, just to have new content.

Also, the #NoKidEatsAlone campaign is 1) impossible to encourage, and 2) so reminiscent of the Parks & Rec “wear a sweater” campaign by one of the candidate’s wife in the Pie-Mary ep. Pointless and embarrassing.


Ugh. I had a former coworker who was HORRIBLE. I started looking for new jobs b/c of her and I loved the mission of our organization. Thankfully, some crazy guy proposed to her and she moved to a different city to be with him, so it all worked out.

Didn’t help that her Hunger Games character was named Mags.

Agreed on the fact that clients suck. Also, the “beauty sleep” in the car ad makes zero sense. I love the first one (and will use that response in the future, b/c I am constantly told that I need to work on my “delivery” and stop “helping” others with their jobs) and don’t mind the poker one, but I hate that her

Fundamentalist Christians. Radical Christians are those who believe in equality and autonomy.

Thank you! Your reasoning is ideal: “Just because I won’t get an abortion, doesn’t mean others can’t have that choice.”

Yes! I will say I was that girl in college, though. My first year, I lived on the first floor of our dorm. We called our campus a “bubble,” but the access road to one of the main highways ran right alongside the freshman dorms. ANYWAY, I always forgot my keys, so I automatically left the balcony door unlocked so I


What the ever-loving-fuck?? That’s terrifying. I don’t even live in California, but will double-check all locks every night from now on. Sometimes my husband will go out on the patio in the evening (before I get home, usually) and forget to lock it when he comes back inside. I’ve noticed a couple of mornings that the

The only thing that would have made this scarier is if Bob’s name was actually Carl.

Holy fuck. That is absolutely terrifying.


Ahhh it took away the star when I tried to recommend! Here are my stars for you:

Story #1 is terrifying. Good call on never living at ground level or below again. I’ve lived on the first floor twice, but both times were with my now-husband. Anytime I lived alone or with other girls, we were in apartments that were on 2nd story or above. The only terrifying thing that happened when I lived on the

Your poor kitty! I’m so glad you were able to move before anything worse happened to him - and you.

Holy fuck. The scariest stories from this year aren’t supernatural - they’re real people being really threatening and terrible.