
LOVE this dress. It’s so dreamy and she’s clearly not trying to “shock” anyone with plunging necklines or cut-outs or anything to prove she’s an ~adult~.

Will Pence start a nuclear war over Twitter? Not likely.

Regarding your last paragraph, I heard that fewer people are self-identifying as Republicans, so when they get polled, they’re not admitting their Republicanism. The 52% is based on a smaller number of still-proud conservatives. I would love to see the FULL numbers of everyone they polled, regardless of party.

Idk. Right now, Trump is getting rid of his first batch of ineffective fools. He’s replacing them with people who have even LESS experience and no idea how to play the game. If he replaces a few more before his subsequent impeachment, Pence won’t be able to get anything done.

I’ve done that before while playing Settlers. It was fantastic. That’s what you get for underestimating me, bitches. (Also, I had lost every game prior to that, so they forgot that I was a real competitor. I didn’t win again. Sigh.)

Statues of “rebels” are everywhere in the South. When you grow up around them and have basic cognitive thinking skills, you see the Confederate statues as a reminder of what side your state was on in the Civil War and how lucky we are that the Union won. At least that’s always how I saw it.

Agreed. I still love Firefly (and Serenity) as well as Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. What he did is unforgivable, but maybe that’s why he created such strong female characters. Maybe he felt guilt for his despicable actions so he tried to appease his guilt by creating these characters that would kick his ass if they

Better than fondant. That shit is inedible.

I wonder if Beetlejuice is on Netflix. I would totally watch that tonight.

That makes sense. Y’all are making me feel better. I trust Jezzies much more than Mother Pence.

Sadly, that’s very true. Middle schoolers are that weird age where they still seem so young and only lost their baby teeth a few years ago, but are yearning to be like high schoolers. Immaturity + hormones and changes = disaster.

I saw trailers relatively often. I like about half the cast and was considering renting it when it came out on any of those streaming services, but wasn’t willing to see something that obviously trashy in theaters. Maybe if I had a group of girlfriends to get drunk with before we watched it, but... alas.

For fuck’s sake, Texas. Stop making me embarrassed to live here. My only consolation with stories like these are that I’m one more person attempting to turn the state purple. Beto O’Rourke is our savior-to-be.

Thank you, @Skyla, for keeping me #babyfree. #notsponcon #howcanIgetpaid #unsponsoredad

I have a feeling my future baby will arise from something similar - we’re currently hoping for a wine-fueled boning in Italy to spawn the next generation.

We have one towel bar (big enough for 2 towels) and have designated sides for each towel. I only wash them every couple weeks (gross, I know, but I forget to do laundry sometimes), but we’re able to make it work without wasting water.

She also looks like Anne Hathaway in Devil Wears Prada. I can’t upload pics, but there is a scene where she is wearing almost the exact same trench and hairstyle.

Thanks, Dr. Raj Koothrapali

I’m disappointed by the misspelled word in that gif. Also by the fact that there are people who actually dislike cats. How could you dislike anything that sassy and adorable?

YES! I remember following that ~drama~ in Cosmo Girl and Seventeen magazine. Bahahaha.