Coffee Nut Shot

jesus christ did you really have to list these in the same order as those chinese bootleg consoles??? for the rest of us, here’s the list:

jesus christ did you really have to list these in the same order as those chinese bootleg consoles??? for the rest

Its wild that Sega could release the thing with ONLY the games it announced, and the thing would be significantly better than the PlayStation Classic.

I really hate the whole SJW excuse when people want to disregard others’ complaints, but I really feel in this case, let it go. If the creators craft a lore to be a certain way, then that is their choice. Nobody has the right to raise a fuss to force an artist to change their work regardless of how it may offend them.

Its a shame we only get to see these in short, very dark, very edited clips.

*looks at 1st Sonic poster*

Hot take:

fortunately for you, the’ll sell out in minutes on Adidas’ website, and if this launch goes like the DBZ shoes, the site will break, and only the bot runners will end up getting them. since these are $200 shoes already, feel better knowing regular people won’t even sniff them for less than $350.

Oh that poor little white kid’s butthole. pour one out for its final days of purity...

I thought this would be awesome like when people program songs into this all sounds horrible, like someone who doesn't know how to play the piano asking for help while trying to play the song from memory that isnt all that good to begin with.

its not not being able to predict the future, its NOT TAKING PREORDERS FOR A QUANTITY YOU DIDNT BUY FROM THE VENDOR.

yeah.... no. you wont convince anyone that GameStop is innocent and they didn’t get what the agreed to buy from Sony. What likely happened is they oversold based on a forecasted number of failed payments and/or cancellations, and then when they started charging the authenticated charges hit the target number and OH

you cant read can you? i said the SEATS cost more than the students make in a year... THE. SEATS.

I never beat the game in English. I had it on a japanese console I bought 2 weeks after the launch there from an import shop in Denver. I played the whole game with a crude gamefaqs guide translating what was on the screen. I beat that version of the game.

Yes, weep for the poor, rich white woman who’s husband 2 seats over spends more money every year to watch medicocre college basketball than any of those students behind them make at their jobs in a year.

this is the equivalent of someone signing autographs at the fuckin’ car show, and I need to know how much he made so that I can stew about it.

Really? Then in that case, the NBA and BET exist only because black people can’t be happy unless they have a spotlight for bad music, ugly shoes, and domestic violence, because that’s what black people do.

YYeah these guys are assholes and needed to get punished, but the guy that “reported” it is kind of a troll too. Maybe I read it all wrong, but it seems to me that the guy wasn’t offended as much as he was pissed his party was griefed, which sucks balls, but I mean going all SJW is such a bullshit excuse for being a

does the patch let me avoid all the shitbags I encounter in ranked? No? Still just 3 of the god knows how many? Yes? Then fuck Overwatch.

They have a handle, they just give no fucks. Trust them “it’s not as big of a problem” as EVERYONE says it is. Nope. 3 avoid slots is almost one too many. Wouldn’t want everyone blacklisting the trolls into long queues that end in games of 6 trolls v 6 trolls.