
Agreed. Why can't kids have bikes and scooters any more?


It's got flippers!

To me it kinda looks like a skin wound rupturing open. Sorry for that image!

Yuck! Could they have at least tried to integrate this fog light into the design?

It only lost because The Gene Genie Hunt wasn't driving.

I actually saw a Probe on my way to work the other morning. It was bright orange with a black hood and silly body kit, but it was a Probe nonetheless.

Yeah, was just about to say the same thing. They quoted a spokesperson for a highway safety organization, then posted a rebuttal from Audi. Where exactly did the Daily Mail offer their own opinion of the car?

When I was a kid I wanted my family to have one painted like a shuttlecraft from Star Trek The Next Generation.

I vaguely remember reading an article where "Vitara" was one of several made-up words spit out by a computer algorithm.

I still think the Kizashi was a great looking car. Too bad it was too little too late to save them. I bet they're pretty cheap now, but I wonder how hard it would be to find replacement parts.

I figured it was yet another Banksy installation.

Sounds like your lady was the kind of person her ambulance chasing former employers would have helped.

Normally I'd agree with you; my wife was a paralegal who worked with many shady clients who somehow got rear-ended about once a year, just as the last of the previous settlement's money ran out. But not this guy, he just seemed old and senile, like he wasn't actually sure what was happening, his wife was nice and

The annoying thing was that I DID look forward to make sure he wasn't there any more. Unfortunately he rolled forward and slightly to the right, just out of my peripheral vision.

My one and only accident was rear-ending an old guy who did exactly that. There was plenty of room for a whole line of cars to merge. He rolled forward, so I checked, saw no-one coming and accelerated at a reasonable rate... right into the back-left of his car.

Yeah yeah, but will it be driven by an overweight, over-the-hill, nicotine-stained, borderline-alcoholic homophobe with a superiority complex and an unhealthy obsession with male bonding?

I'm an adult, I'll stick with gray

I kept wondering that too. I think it's just a van with the rear quarter panels bashed off, but I'm not sure.

He just appeared on an episode of Oddities. He might be older now, but he's still doing the character at schools and health fairs.