
especially when the V-Tech kicks in yo

I used to be a driver like you, then I took an arrow to the foot.

You read my mind.

Bloody 'ell bolls! Fire up the Quattro! You are surrounded by armed bastards. Insert other appropriate Gene Genie quote here.

The R-Class is a wagon? I think it's just a minivan without the sliding doors.

A triumph of late 90's bubbly design! Though I wonder about those headlights:

I have to agree with Edmund's on that one. The Monte Carlo from that generation is a blobby mess that looks like someone left the clay design model sitting out in the sun too long.

Bob Lablaw'll lob a law bomb on 'em!

I always wanted on in black with big ol' Batman logos on the doors.

Wish I saw this the other day. I'd just like to add Acura MDX and Chevy Avalanche drivers as well. A lot of guys with MDX's must have the letters confused with NSX, and Avalanche drivers just seem like bullies.

Wow, your friend is a bit of douche, isn't he?

Soooo, you want this sociopath out there running over more dogs on purpose? What if he moves on to children next?

I am so angry at the hard work that another automotive enthusiast put into their car that I will literally internet rage myself to death over it! INTERNET RAGE MYSELF TO DEATH!

So the Trixx rabbit is now a Splicer from Bioshock?

Why do I keep expecting to hear Edgar Oliver intone, "Is that a.... straaaaaight jacket?"

The Hulk looks like Tobias, only green instead of blue.

Every time you illegally park in Pawnee, you make the spirit of Li'l Sebastian cry.

This article just makes me miss The Adventurer's Club even more....

At the beginning of the movie, Coulson is confiding in Pepper about a rocky relationship with a cellist who lives in California. Later, he and Tony Stark enter the bridge of the helicarrier and you hear the tail-end of a conversation in which Stark tells Coulson that he'll fly him out to California on his private jet

It's celery actually: