The JATO equipped rocket car
The JATO equipped rocket car
Its name is Nibbles I believe.....
Tell me about it! My wife is a smoker, and I've picked up the habit of lighting up when we drink (we don't have kids yet, so this is frequent). We've been going through the entire series on Netflix, and goddamn does it make us crave liquor and cigarettes. (I'm not even a hard-liquor drinker, I prefer beer, but that…
Wow, Bale is doing a perfect Trollface there.
It's the surprising adventures of me! Sir Digby Chicken Caesar!
You beat me to it! My thoughts exactly.
Oh I've seen how this ends. First it's cute pink puffballs and furry bunny things, but then come the giant worms and the plagues and the carnivorous walking trees that make more monsters; and the next thing you know you're offering up your own children to it all because it's easier to adapt than fight.....
What I don't get is that Mute is described as a "futuristic film noir" but then it goes on to say "His actual next sci-fi movie is a "city-based" futuristic film that will take its inspiration from Blade Runner."
"there is a tragic tale behind each lifeless mask."
When you go to a gallery from an article page, it refreshes to gallery/1 and you can no longer use the back button. You have to hold down the back button and select the article you came from. Noticed this on Jalopnik too, a bit annoying.
Disappointed that Nolan and co. aren't keeping Gotham consistent between the films. Batman Begins really treated the city as a character in it's own right, with the elder Wayne's monorails running everywhere culminating in that impressive tower at the center. I missed that in TDK; Gotham just looked like Chicago…
So he has a painted face now, instead of the mask? That's odd. Not used to seeing him without the red lenses. You could do black running shoes paired with some vintage military surplus gaiters like these:
Is that a dead fighter pilot at the little girl's tea party?
@Alizarin: So, did you also think that Matt looked like Doc Hammer in that skinny tie?
@Sabithomega: Think of it the other way around. Before this, someone could snoop around Wayne Enterprises' accounting and find the secret "Batman hole" that money kept disappearing into. Now, all that money goes into the completely legitimate "Batman Fund", or even "Batman Subsidiary". Researchers and engineers use it…
@CarrerCrytharis: It was an awesome film. Too bad they never made any sequels............
If you're ripping holes in the fabric of space and time, don't you think you'd want to wear something a little more stylish than sneakers, jeans, and a ball cap?
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Strongly agree!
@Too.Tired.To.Sleep: Take it! Take it you plagiarizing yellow wanker!!!!