
@mikerandom: I think that all's "Pre-Crisis", as in, it was all wiped away by "Crisis on Infinite Earths". They've brought back SOME of that weirdness thanks to Superboy pounding on the walls of reality, but I think the overtly silly stuff is still considered erased from history.

@chuydb: Beat me to it! But yeah, that's first thing that popped into my head when I read the first paragraph. "Keep it clean!"

All I could think of when Odin was chastising Thor was, "He's not a god, he's a very naughty boy!"

All I could think of when Odin was chastising Thor was, "He's not a god, he's a very naughty boy!"

@Cory Gross: Just added your site to my Google reader. I'm finding more and more that members of wdwmagic and disboards have indeed drank the kool-aid and chastise many of us for "taking it too seriously". I mean, people even defended that stupid wand on Spaceship Earth! Thank FSM for blogs like [passport2dreams.blogsp

@MakinBacon: Actually, I found that it fits the theme of the show; that objects can be imbued with meaning and can affect who you are. It continues on from the first season of Pete carrying his father's badge, that's his "artifact". Myka's bear was just another.

@Serge.: Exactly. That would be the better movie.

@strideo: Embiggen is a perfectly cromulent word.

"They may rework the script to be about a younger operative, whom Cruise's character just mentors, in order to reduce Cruise's prominence in the film."

If you revisit this world, will you reveal why those birds were so creepy? It seemed like you were setting them up for something later, but they never showed up again.

@FrankN.Stein: Do we know that all three of Mom's kids were fathered by Prof. Farnsworth? I thought it was just Ignar.

@crosis101: You could just mount them in the "guns" on the wheels.

@Mitch2: Always seemed like a cheap knock-off Mitsubishi Eclipse to me.