Coffee is for closure

No problem. Hopefully things will work out for you. It's not an easy process and you'll have to force yourself to do things you don't want to. It also never ends completely (I'm currently having these same thoughts), but it does get better.

I think you hit the nail on the head about not being vulnerable. Probably whether the circumstances are the same as mine or yours, both of us are afraid of opening up and letting people into our lives. Part of my therapy is having to take risks and put myself out there more, and it's worked for the most part, mainly

I understand how you feel as I'm the same way. Do you feel this way because you feel that you don't deserve their affection? That was largely what was wrong with me. I carry a lot of shame around with me, mainly that because of stuff that I've done in the past or circumstances in my life that I went through, I think

I've been kind of feeling the same way lately, I think mostly because of the holidays, but it something we all go through at one point or another (or even multiple times!). But, like others have said, take this time to focus on you. Do the things you like and start owning yourself. It will make you a more sincere

As a former Pittsburgher with some ties to the city still, I would recommend The Conflict Kitchen right near Pitt's campus (they serve dishes from countries the US has some conflict with. Its a rotating menu, so I would check first) and Smiling Banana Leaf, especially if you want really good Thai food.

I like to read the E.E. Cummings poem Little Tree around Christmas each year. It always kind of touches my heart when I read it around the holidays. I think because having a Christmas tree up is one of my favorite things about Christmas. This year it even made me tear up a little, since my family isn't really doing

Nice! We're from the same hometown then. I just met Mista Cookie Jar over the Internet while I was setting this show up. He's been really cool and easy to work with.

- Myself and three friends will be debuting our children's music group, The Seasick Crocodiles, next week for a holiday concert I organized with Mista Cookie Jar (check him out even if you don't have kids. His stuff is pretty good). I was asked to do this by our local Children's Museum and it came together so well. We

Went to a friend's last night to plan a children's Christmas concert we're doing next week and had two Troegs Mad Elf's (!). Hoo boy was that a bad/good idea.

I've actually kind of stopped checking any dating sites recently, partly because I've been job searching (and stressing out about it) and partly because there was no one new on there. But, I also got a message from a lady in Atlanta that started talking to me about feminism and social justice type stuff. Turns out,

Yea. She's probably one of my favorite drummers, if not my actual favorite drummer, and a big inspiration for my own playing. That "Entertain" performance is rad, but I could watch her play any song.

This happened to me back in March. It was rough, but I'm just now getting back into dating, but I still feel those feelings towards my ex every now and again, but its more of a melancholy feeling than actual sadness. So, it gets easier, but it all really takes time and you just have to give yourself however much is

When I came home from work Wedenesday, my roommate had Parks and Rec on because there was a marathon on. We watched it the whole night and laughed together. The last one I saw before I went to bed was the two-parter with Leslie and Ben's wedding, and her friends and the town coming together to help pull off the gala

I used to be a lot leaner because I ran a lot. This year I decided to stop for awhile, mostly because I was getting tired of it and also because I was having some health issues with my legs. So, I've gained some weight, not a lot though. A friend of mine said that I've filled out and look less gaunt.

We actually don't work in the same department, so unless I run into her in the kitchen or we take lunch, we don't see each other much. It would probably help with the fact that I think she hates the job she has.

Actually, you are spot on. Weird.

This did cross my mind, but I couldn't do it everyday. I can barely make it to work five minutes late, I can't imagine how late I would be if I had to do makeup.

I'll gladly go camping if that is any consolation.

Hiking isn't high on my list of things to do. I'll do it, but I wouldn't say I love doing it.

Maybe. I also think that she is just unhappy with her job. They opened a graphic design department where I work and a lot of people, including her, went thinking it would be more art based. It's not. Just more outsourced corporate BS.