Coffee is for closure

Oh, it's just much more negative and kind of mean-spirited. They are just friends, but they spend a lot of time together.

Well, I've seen some articles saying women love a dadbod.

I wouldn't say she is a shit friend. She's been there for me a lot of times in the past. We had no problems for four years now and that never came up once in that time period. She never even showed any sign of jealousy or anything when I dated people during that time, not even with my last girlfriend which was a

I'll tell you this much, there is no right way to make Pickles' hair look good unless you have a ton of time to do so.

It's weird to get compliments on your makeup when you never actually wear it. Lately I've been getting comments on being good looking, which is something I've never gotten before and I have body image issues as well. Also, I've put on about 20 lbs this year and have gotten kind of pudgey.

Oh, I do have a weird situation happening. A few years ago when I started my job, a married co-worker I had become friends with sent me a long message telling me she was in love with me and was ready to leave her husband, who she was in an unhappy marriage with at the time. I essentially told her that I did not feel

I didn't see Nosferatu in any store near where I live this year. I was kind of disappointed.

I like Founders a lot. Sierra Nevada was probably the first beer I had that wasn't Bud, Coors, etc., so it holds a special place in my heart. Torpedo has become that beer that I get when I can't make up my mind in the grocery store.

Awesome. I really do need to check it out.

I haven't and I keep meaning to. Maybe I'll take a drive up there soon and check it out. Is it nice?

Good ol' reliable Sierra Nevada Torpedo.

I hated going there when I live in Pittsburgh. I actually kind of hated going anywhere near the Southside when I lived there. I always frequented Phantom of the Attic.

-Played an awesome Halloween party
-Got a lot of compliments on how good I looked wearing eyeliner
-This election is almost over

Well, about a month ago I met a woman who I shared a lot in common with and we got along well, and then we started seeing each other. This week, it seems that relationship is starting to fizzle out. We barely have anything to talk about anymore and conversation is mostly strained. I'm also not as excited about this

I say meet her. More than likely she was making a joke about it fizzling out.

- Got a date tonight after two weeks of trying to plan one. We've both been super busy and could never work something out until today, so we're getting vegan tacos (well, she is. I am not vegan). It kind of worked out because we've been texting each other a lot and all the small talk is out of the way.
- Three songs

It is kind of a deal breaker for me. I'm a fairly politically active person, am very much to the left on issues, and often work in my local community with groups on a number of causes I believe in, and as my mom likes to say, I have "strong opinions" on things. For me, it's not so much that I can't tolerate someone

Glad to hear this. I was there in the same boat as you and know how it is. Also, Margaret Atwood, I'm very jealous.

Well, here in West Virginia, we will have a new governor and both candidates' campaign is basically who loves Trump more.