
Honestly, what white people like this want more than anything is all of those perks but the right to claim being the underdog/victim/martyr.

Pretend for a moment that there was a National Association for the Advancement of White People. What would they do? There are only two options, really:

maybe it would help you feel better if you were in on the joke. Think like with stuff white people like it’s self awareness makes it funny without being some racist ideas about white people.typically a brown face in a white place is common we tend to get in the joke as well because “white culture”= mainstream culture.

I feel like there's probably a lot of overlap between these assholes and the ones that feel that Christians are a persecuted class in America. Not being able to oppress other people in the full range of ways you like is not the same as being oppressed yourself. These people all need to get a fucking grip.

Yeah, I was saying the same thing. A sign of privilege is that you don’t have to settle for celebrating whiteness, because you have the luxury of celebrating your particular white ancestry and country of origin. Society gives nuance to their whiteness.

One of the things that bother me about having an old ass father is the fact that my peers have had opportunities based on their dad’s military service and I have not. My father was born in 1919 and served in WWII. My peers were born in the early ‘70's with dad’s that served in Korea and Vietnam who received GI

because they don’t know even one aspect of their deeper-rooted cultural heritage. Because their ancestors were torn from those locations, those languages, those traditions, and prevented from passing on even the memory of what they were.

The amount of racial abuse my friend received when he came to US for St Patrick’s day shocked me. He was born in Ireland but his background is South Asian, many white Americans who say they are “Irish” were abusing him saying he can not call himself Irish and that Ireland is only for white people (ah Boston). He

Not to mention that the reason why the vast majority of black Americans don’t celebrate being Ghanaian, Zulu, Xhosa-speaking, or whatever other granular-level identity would be comparable, is because they don’t know even one aspect of their deeper-rooted cultural heritage. Because their ancestors were torn from those

No one ever asks them what they can’t do now that they could before all of this “black privilege” came along. Well, other than tell racist jokes without being called out on it or just assuming a black person will step aside and let them through just ... because. But I’m still intrigued by the answer that Mr. Domalick

“In America you can’t even talk about whiteness,” said Drew Domalick, who lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin. “If you try to embrace being white, you are portrayed as being a racist. If we had a White History Month, that would be viewed as a racist holiday.”

What they don’t mention is that there is a group like the NAACP for white people, and it’s every political organization in this country. Pick any single one.

So, I want to be an underdog, but in power. Pretty please!

“In America you can’t even talk about whiteness,” said Drew Domalick, who lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin. “If you try to embrace being white, you are portrayed as being a racist”

Pretty much. There’s a certain amount of time for the auditions (like 9am-6pm with an hour lunch break), and most Union shows make sure they see Union members first. Even if they exclude non-union people from auditions they’re probably not gonna see everyone. However, if you say EVERYONE can apply regardless of union

And it’s put straight up in casting calls all the time. The acting industry is one of, if not the only field where discriminating on race is a legal and usual part of the career.

Today is my second day with a menstrual cup and it is taking everything I have not to tell every woman of menstruating age I see the gospel. I have become what I despise.

I think that’s the problem the author is having with this movie. It’s hard to escape into a movie when the dialogue, action, and plot are so shitty you feel like you’re watching an adaptation of a 15 year old’s fan fiction. If there are so many fuckups that are so egregious that you find yourself saying, “That was

I hate this mentality.