
Almost like the drug war was invented to replace Jim Crow.

I don’t think you can use a con appearance as a measuring stick either. For example, let’s take anime voice actor Vic Mignogna. I know he’s no where near the level of fame of even Jeremy here, but as far as anime VA go, he’s right up near the top. I’ve been to a lot of his panels at various cons and he’s nothing but


Maybe this is what comes from becoming hot after an entire boyhood being known as Fat Cavill.

I don’t care about the “appropriation”. In the 70s, the mood was definitely “wear everything”. Nobody Black gave a shit when White people got perms and did Afros. It was all good.

I mean... I’m a light skinned partially hispanic partially white girl with curly frizzy hair and I would alwayssss get it braided when on vacay with my family. It was a godsend at the beach. It’s only appropriation in cases like Kara was talking about because they are ignoring where it came from and basically saying

I can 100% vouch for this. Despite their rebranding, and apparent “new-found popularity” with non-black people, when I wore my hair in cornrows last week my boss went out of his way to “compliment” me by saying: “I like that hair. Looks thuggish.” Oh yeah? Thanks guy.

That. That was the line/description that KILLED me.

I love Yvette Nicole Brown’s response to this “trend” so I’ll just leave this here


What if someone is sexually assaulted and needs Plan B and there is none?

If a black woman confronts Sanders about the lack of diversity in public office, and he frustratedly says, “Well then why don’t you go run for something, then?”; it should rightfully haunt him for at least a little while. It’s an objectively dumb move.

I can speak for myself as a black women why right now Hillary is who I’d vote for - it’s really a pragmatic decision for me. I like Bernie and I love his values and principals. I think that he is fantastic actually, but I’m simply not convinced he can get anything he wants done. I love Obama and am proud to have voted

The entire political machine conflates race with region. Sanders does well in the north, even among black and Hispanic voters. Clinton does well in the south, even among white voters. While there is a tendency for black people to vote for more moderate and conservative Democrats, the black vote is nowhere near the

I recently came across the term “Toxic Ally Syndrome”, via Jim C Hines’s blog: someone who is “so determined to be an ‘ally’ of Group X that [they] ignore or argue with members of Group X because [they] know best. This is often followed by choruses of, ‘Why are you getting angry at me? I’m your ally! Fine, if you’re

Yeah, I think even she admits that. It’s a weird thing about our politics that the skills necessary to do the job are almost entirely divorced from the skills necessary to get the job.

Because the turnout machine isn’t designed to reach them. Older voters vote, in part, because the parties know who they are, so the candidates can call them, knock on their doors, send them mail, and, if necessary, drive their asses to the polls on election day. Younger voters aren’t tracked in the same way, by virtue

Hey Guys, maybe they like her positions on the issues?! Ever think they just might think she’s the most experienced person running on the best policy proposals?... There’s a paternalistic tone in this thread that isn’t great.

If I just went by what I read on this site/the comments on this site, I’d think she was worse than all the Republican candidates combined. As much as I enjoy this site... I may have to peace out until what? June?