You are mistaking “dark enough” with “Black enough”. The former deals with colorism. I’m a light skinned Black woman with 2 Black parents. I’m plenty Black. BUT I also recognize that I have certain privileges my darker sisters do not have.
You are mistaking “dark enough” with “Black enough”. The former deals with colorism. I’m a light skinned Black woman with 2 Black parents. I’m plenty Black. BUT I also recognize that I have certain privileges my darker sisters do not have.
Nina Simone wasn’t part Black, she was all Black. The way she looked was intrinsic to her life experiences and her story. Nicole Kidman wearing a fake nose to play Virginia Woolf has a different meaning than it has in this context, as do lots of things for non-white people. In this context, a woman who is a “more…
Watch What Happened, Miss Simone?, because a documentary is almost always better than a biopic—and this documentary is sensational.
I’ve had people say they would support Trump, a man who wants to shoot Muslims with bullets dipped in pig’s blood and threw black kids out of his rally for being black, if Bernie didn’t win.
So can we just do a permanent installation for the Hall of Fame woke baes? by that I mean, can we just include Jesse Williams every month, as he will never not be woke bae
I’m pretty sure that if you see 84 percent of a demographic group going for Candidate A, your reaction shouldn’t be, “Why are they too dumb to realize that Candidate B would be better for them?” but rather “Why am I too dumb to see why they prefer Candidate A?”
It annoys me when people say “skin color” when what they really mean is “race.” This Chinese woman sitting next to me at work is three shades lighter than the white woman sitting behind me. It’s not her skin color that has people constantly asking her where she’s “really” from. (Queens. She’s from fucking Queens.)
So apparently Chad Michael Murray is basically his character from Agent Carter: he tries to do a super job, but he’s so massively unaware of his own privilege that he can’t not fuck up.
It’s so, so paternalistic for men to tell women that they can’t have the choice to end a pregnancy because they might regret it. Don’t just control our bodies, feel free to pop into our heads and predict our thoughts!
No, the weird thing is that vets get benefits in the oddest places, where probably 99% of vets don’t need them. The veterans benefit in federal hiring is so strong, it’s almost impossible to hire someone who isn’t a vet. The home ownership loans for veterans are pretty good, but I assume very few vets are in a…
So you're saying that MHP was way out in front of the Beyonce story, discussing the political aspects well before white America got its racist panties in a bunch. Good to know!
MSNBC made the decision last year that they needed to compete with Fox. The lower rungs were told that they were going to seek more “moderate” programming, but the upper rungs were already planning a Trumpalooza. I hope they fall on their face (except for Maddow, long live Maddow.) There’s already a glut of white,…
Scott Foley has aged much better than Affleck, not an upgrade.
It’s funny how as your life progresses, it colors how you think about these things. I have always been ambivalent about Garner. Liked her in some stuff, find her generally overrated as an actress, but she seemed to love her family and want from life what most of us want.
I thought the most harsh you could get with “Bless your heart” was to say it to someone’s face, but I was wrong; the true nuclear move is to say it to a reporter doing a Vanity Fair profile they will DEFINITELY read
There’s also a huge problem with those who have mental illnesses and/or developmental differnces being mistreated (belittled, beaten, killed) by police. It’s a huge problem, and you’re right, it’s underreported. Which doesn’t diminish the importance of police violence against black folks; nor does attention to police…
My dad’s an ex-cop, so I grew up knowing quite a few officers, and I attended a four-year high school program for people who wanted to work in the criminal justice system, so I watched many future cops grow up. You’re not wrong in that about every third or fourth officer is varying degrees of asshole; however,…
You don’t see it, because you are not black. But if you turned on the news on any given day you would see some evidence of it. You keep saying like, “hehe I get that you’re going to probably call me a racist anyway, but just hear me out.” Nobody cares if you are or are not a racist.
Just watch how your countrymen interact with First People, Indians and Pakistanis to get a grasp.
I gotta say, and please, please, please don’t take this as sarcastic, because it is very heartfelt, but thank you for letting people know it was not in the south. It sounds peculiar and weird, I know, but as a southern transplant to Seattle, I was constantly and consistently ridiculed as being a racist bigot from a…