
Here’s what this piece misses. Rich kids whose parents pay for their lives, love to pretend that they’re not rich kids. They want to walk around and feel like they’re struggling young professionals making it on their own. That’s the fantasy.

Los Angeles films have the same problem. The houses directors choose for filming “average American families” are all in the $1.5 million to $4 million range. Those folksy craftsman and colonial jobs are not what real people live in, period. Even the kitschy ranch homes used for commercials are in the $900K to $2

No, that’s different and you know it. You know that the words “Fuck you,” are an insult. You know that holding your middle finger in the air is an insult. You know if I were to say that “Your mother is a ugly ass bitch,” that you would be insulting someone. There are things that you can’t know if they are going to

Ya know, I hate slave narrative movies as much as the next person, but there are some stories that need to be told and Nat Turner’s rebellion has always been one of those for me. Also, Harriet Tubman, but Viola’s got that one on lock, and I’m also excited for that. And I’m also soooo glad that a Black filmmaker is

I’m happy for nate parker truly. And nat turner’s rebellion is not something that gets taught in schools so this is important. With that being said. Not surprising. White people love slave narratives. As a black woman I’m over it. Black Americans are more and did more than slavery. Call me back when there’s a fantasy

I absolutely refuse to use the “I’m taken” line, because it enrages me so much. You WILL accept my disinterest, whether you like it or not. (And yes, I know that may mean it’s a hill I die on...but I absolutely refuse to be viewed as anyone’s property or have my worth defined by my status as someone else’s property)

And then, as I was about to tell them directly that I was not interested, one of them TOOK MY NOTEBOOK AND PEN OUT OF MY HANDS and said, “Why would you want to spend time in a fantasy world when you could spend it in reality with us?”

I will never understand men like that. They’re all “let me date you! You are so desirable to me that I’m going to pester you instead of hanging out with my friends at this party!” and then turn quickly to “you’re a bitch.” Then why’d you want to date me 5 minutes ago?

This is what enrages me. The only seemingly acceptable answer to the assholes that do this is a response that is along the lines of “I’m sorry, I’m seeing someone.” It’s like if no other man has staked his claim, pissed on your leg, or somehow indicated that you’re his property, then you MUST be open and accepting of

“Why can’t women just be direct and honest if they don’t want to go out with you?!”

I feel like most popular children’s books with black girl protagonists are historical books (about slavery or the civil rights movement), and while those topics are undoubtedly very important, it’s like... Being black isn’t the only thing that black girls have to offer. And don’t even get me started on the white

....and will probably think Holden Caulfield is a whiny little a**hole, just like I did....

Awesome. Also, for when she gets older, enough fucking books about 20-something creatives living in New York. And enough books about WW2. I was making my reading list for the year and it was amazing how many books fit that description.

I love to see a child passionate about books!

‘Too Close’ by Next, a song literally about getting a boner whilst dancing.

You are right. They ARE paid. Which makes the whole “we can’t pay athletes because then they wouldn’t be amateurs” argument so stupid. The only difference between the NCAA and its defenders and everyone else on this issue is that everyone else thinks the payment of athletes shouldn’t be artificially capped. Let them

I prefer Hutt Swag

This doesn’t look like that big of a deal — especially considering that it may be the only penalty that comes from a woman’s death — but it’s pretty important. One of the big issues I’ve had with the few prosecutions of police that have occurred in the last couple of years is that the accused’s buddies are

There better be a half-hour dedicated to this dress.