
Since the behavior is, weirdly, legal, evidence doesn’t much matter. Last time this happened to me I took the phone from the dude’s hand (he was leaning out of his friend’s car to take video), deleted it myself, and threatened to throw the phone over a bridge if he didn’t apologize.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

I think his claims are backed up by the Sanctimony Pony.

This is completely untrue, and it's also why obesity and poverty are inextricably linked. They are all complex matters. I'd argue that the topic of obesity suffers more because it has the guise of being simple, when it's really not.

If you grew up with a mama who wore a wig, taking that wig off is the official start of "miss me with the bullshit" time.

I feel kinda bad for Jesus for having to hear her go on about it for hours.

As someone mentioned in another thread, if girls and women don't have access to feminine hygiene products, it greatly impedes their ability to go out in public during their period, which in turn affects their ability to secure consistent education and work, which is a major problem in poor countries, and is likely an

How dare you confront men with the irrefutable evidence that vaginas have rich full lives outside of their occasional, brief contributions!

That is the best threat ever - "I WILL BLEED ON WHAT YOU LOVE!"

"And I saw the Four Horsemen of the Comment Apocalypse, and they said in unison unto me: 'Beware the false idol Kinja and her wily ways.' And I, for my part, took up my mobile device and screeched, 'EVEN NATIVE AMERICANS DON'T THINK THE NAME IS OFFENSIVE!' and lo, the Angel Snyder smiled down on me, well pleased."

Guys do the same thing to girls and women. You pass over the nice girl in favor of the hot bitch who treats you like crap. Oddly enough, we don't think we're entitled to squat for being nice and we don't go killing people.

Some immature, badly self-actualized shallow bitches. They exist, in both genders. And they used you because they wanted to or were too damaged to realize the cruelty of their carelessness.

Normally, I'm all against violence as an answer. I'm proud of the fact I've managed to talk my way out of a few fights in my life, but also I'm a dad. If someone had done this to a memorial for my daughter, I would find him and put the boots to him medium style. Just reading this makes my fucking blood boil so much,

Oh. agreed. I have major problems with the NCAAP and its rather tepid politics for social and racial justice. It cares more about being invited to the right parties and fund-raisers than it does, I suggest, about advancing economic and social opportunity for all black people. It started as a grass-roots movement but

Holy crap on a cracker, this is the biggest "missing the point completely" that I have seen in ages.

sure it does. look at coal miners.


Who else saw this commercial live and waited for this article to pop up?

I've tried it to, but I end up just moving the pile on the bed onto the floor when I'm ready to sleep.